دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی مدل سازی عوامل حیاتی موفقیت کارآفرینی زنان با استفاده از چارچوب فازی AHP - امرالد 2018

عنوان فارسی
مدل سازی عوامل حیاتی موفقیت کارآفرینی زنان با استفاده از چارچوب فازی فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP)
عنوان انگلیسی
Modeling the critical success factors of women entrepreneurship using Fuzzy AHP Framework
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صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
امرالد - Emerald
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گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مجله کارآفرینی در اقتصادهای نوظهور - Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
Department of Management Studies - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) - Dhanbad - India
doi یا شناسه دیجیتال


A silent revolution is now taking shape among women. Since the turn of the century, growing industrialization, globalization, and social legislation have contributed towards a change in status of women worldwide (Jayachitra and Vijayakumar 2013). With an increase in education and awareness, women have come out of their kitchens and reached out to a higher level of professional activity (Jayachitra and Vijayakumar2013). In almost all developed countries, women have successfully equaled men in the corporate field (Nandy and Kumar 2014). Womencontrolled and women -owned enterprises are now seen as vital functional elements of the society and the economy, representing approximately 25.8 to 28.1 percent of the total entrepreneurship in the world. According to a report by Women’s Business Research (2009), growth rate of women entrepreneurship was twice as fast as compared to other enterprises from 1997 to 2002. It was also identified in the Women's Business Research (2008) report that 10.1 million firms are now supervised and run by women (40 percentage of privately owned enterprises), generating employment for more than 13 million and around $1.9 trillion in turnover in the United States. Women owned businesses can today be found in every sector of the economy and in every region of the US (WBR 2009 Report). Similarly, women-owned businesses in Canada account for nearly one third of all businesses in Canada and provide nearly one million jobs for Canadians. In Ireland, women’s entrepreneurial activity has increased from 4.2 percent in 2006 to 5.9 percent in 2007; this represents over 1,000 women (on an average) starting new businesses in Ireland each month. With more than a million self-employed women, women-run enterprises are now increasing even in the United Kingdom. In Sweden, more than 30 percent of new entrepreneurs are women. In 2007, nearly 32.4 per cent of all Austrian enterprises were supervised and controlled by women. In Denmark, around 25 per cent of all entrepreneurs are women. There were 74, 000 women entrepreneurs in Finland in the year 2007. In 2006, women made up 30.6 per cent of self-employed workers and entrepreneurs in Germany (GEM, 2013Report). According to Observatory on Women Entrepreneurs (2007), there are over 1.3 million women-owned firms in Italy, accounting for 24.02 percent of all startups and firms in the country. The Labor Force Survey suggests that for the last quarter of the year 2007, women accounted for about 30.9 percent of all entrepreneurs. As per AMEX OPEN State of WomenOwned Business Report, the highest ranked countries on grounds of revenue generation by women-owned and women-led firms are - United States (1), Australia (2), Germany (3), France (4) and Mexico (5). India ranked 16th despite the country’s latest economic and commercial surge.

نتیجه گیری

 Conclusions, limitations and scope of future work

In this era of globalization, the role of Indian women as entrepreneurs is a major active element in the society and the economy. Women entrepreneurs face societal pressures and amid such pressures, strive hard to get success, and manage and improve the business environment, especially in Indian MSMEs. The revelations of this research broaden and deepen our knowledge of how the critical success factors for women-run enterprises affect business performance. A good understanding of these factors enables managers to direct their efforts towards improving overall business performance. In this paper, it has been demonstrated that Fuzzy AHP approach can be used to rank and classify the CSFs of WE adoption in Indian MSMEs. Data analysis using fuzzy AHP may help managers to do away with the issue of human subjectivity in evaluating and studying the CSFs. In analyzing and determining the relative concerns of recognized categories of factors and specific factors of WE, this can be a great helping hand. The concern for the identified seven categories of factors can be prioritized as IF < MF < GF <TIF< EFF < MRF < SF  This implies that IF are factors of vitality and need a larger concern as compared to the other categories and subcategories of factors for improving WE adoption in Indian MSMEs. The global rankings of specific CSFs are furthermore calculated and ranked on the basis of respective global weights (see Table 13). Global ranking was determined by multiplication of preference weights of specific CSFs and respective categories. Later, the research finding was analyzed again by a team of experts aiming to interpret and develop some insights to analyse the CSFs in MSMEs which could develop robustness of micro, small and medium industry. This indeed enhances the overall performance. To test the credibility of priority ranking for the finalized list of categorized and situation specific factors, sensitivity analysis was performed. In this outlook, the present study tries to add in the literature of MSMEs; through identifying, finalizing, and prioritizing the CSFs related to MSMEs, so they can manage on strategically important levels in an organization. The findings of this study would be useful for micro small medium enterprises and management to become more capable in analyzing the CSFs of WE in Indian MSMEs.

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