دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی توانمندسازی تداوم کارآفرینی زنان در هند - امرالد 2018

عنوان فارسی
توانمندسازی تداوم کارآفرینی زنان در هند: دیدگاه هایی از Lijjat، Mulukanoor و MPWPCL
عنوان انگلیسی
Empowering subsistence women entrepreneurs in India: Insights from Lijjat, Mulukanoor and MPWPCL
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
امرالد - Emerald
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مقالات پژوهشی (تحقیقاتی)
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گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
بررسی جامعه و کسب و کار - Society and Business Review
Department of Marketing - Indian Institute of Management Indore - Indore - India
کلمات کلیدی
مدل کسب و کار، سازمانی اجتماعی، کارآفرینی زنان، امرار معاش
doi یا شناسه دیجیتال


Purpose – Empowerment of women by social enterprises in emerging economies has received attention from researchers. This paper aims to study three social enterprises in India that aim to empower subsistence women entrepreneurs. Design/methodology/approach – A comparative case analysis of three social enterprises is done to develop understanding of systems and processes adopted by them. Sources such as published journal and news articles, case studies, success stories and official websites are used for data collection. Findings – The study found that all three organisations strive to increase the asset base of members by organizing disempowered subsistence producers lacking market power; extending services throughout the value chain, i.e. from raw material supply to marketing of products; ploughing back regular incomes and bonuses through mechanisms acceptable to all members; and empowering subsistence producers to gain market power and ability to choose. The interventions give market exposure and voice to the concerns of women producers. These organisations successfully leverage the strength of their relations with civil society and markets in sustaining the business. Women empowerment was found to be achieved through regular income, collective voice, ability to take decisions and creation of social value. Research limitations/implications – This paper does not take into consideration enterprises promoted by government. Practical implications – A conceptual framework is suggested in this paper along with insights for organisations interested in collectivising subsistence women for empowering them. Originality/value – The conceptual framework provided in this paper enriches the understanding of social enterprises working with the objective of women empowerment.

نتیجه گیری


Social enterprises identify the problems existing in society that can be addressed with the creation of social and economic value. These organisations emerge as a response to government failure in supporting people from subsistence context who face social and economic challenges because of institutional voids. Social enterprises may make use of business models and marketing to help support members with their economic activities. However, the overall objective is creation of social value, which may be bigger than economic value and may be useful to members. In India, some social enterprises have been working with women to help them with their market transactions. A package of services and inputs are provided to the women members to ensure productivity enhancement and income increment as a result. These organisations make use of existing skill base of women, use technology to the extent needed, support members with loans and regular incomes, provide market access, give scope to take decisions and enable networking so that women take charge of their lives. For an intervention to leave a lasting impact, the intervening agency should try to understand the context in which oppressed communities live. Later the business should be conceptualised with end to end solutions, which are supported by significant organisations. The efforts should also be directed towards creating visibility for the artisans who remained invisible for ages. Most importantly, the mechanisms of the intervention should enable creation of a countervailing force that would help oppressed communities to exercise bargaining power with their oppressors. Also, the intervention should devise suitable roles for men involved as the gender relations need to be carefully crafted if women are to be empowered. Thus, it was found that skill enhancement, access to remunerative markets, steady income and continuous handholding would lead to confidence among women members of oppressed community, thereby creating in them the ability to choose. Most importantly, mechanisms must be established using which the women and men of the oppressed community should be able to “make choices” of their own without coercion. This paper highlighted beneficial effects of three social enterprises which were involved in empowering women through their interventions. It contributes to the literature of social enterprises by highlighting their role in women empowerment. It also discusses and analyses the work done by the three social enterprises using a conceptual framework developed in the paper. Further, it tries to narrow the gap existing between development practitioners and the theoreticians of social entrepreneurship in terms of approach to be used for creation of social value.

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