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نمایش باید ادامه یابد: رهبری یادگیری در برادوی
عنوان انگلیسی
The show must go on: Leadership learning on Broadway
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics


Management scholars have suggested that successful organizations of the future will be based around smaller, more agile archetypes that are able to respond effectively to the changing demands of customers and stakeholders. Leadership of such organizations cannot rely on traditional approaches to strategic development coupled with a command and control approach to people management. Instead, leadership will be more focused on an ability to recognize opportunities, mobilize the necessary resources and get the best out of people. Such attributes will enable business leaders to exploit opportunities in creative and innovative ways, resulting in competitive advantage for their organizations. Practitioners looking for guidance on leadership are confronted with a bewildering array of theories and frameworks. For example, in a recent review of leadership research, Jessica Dinh and her colleagues identified 76 different leadership theory domains. While a diverse range of perspectives is to be expected, the relevance of much leadership theory and research to organizational practice is not always obvious. As David Day has pointed out, what organizations are interested in is not which leadership theory is ‘‘right,’’ but how leaders can be developed. Therefore, a challenge facing those who aspire to leadership positions is where to uncover successful approaches to organizational leadership that align to the fast-moving landscape of 21st century business.

نتیجه گیری


Broadway theater faces the same challenges as many other industries in which businesses are wrestling with evermore discerning customers who demand ever-greater value for every dollar spent. Moreover, producers on Broadway share a landscape all too familiar to business leaders everywhere: rapidly changing markets requiring huge judgment calls; pressure to create new and innovative products and the need to inspire individuals in a team environment. For well over a hundred years, Broadway has successfully survived economic cycles of boom and bust. Indeed, it has not only survived but prospered. Both its creative outputs, assessed by critically acclaimed plays and musicals, and its business outputs, measured by jobs and profits, are prodigious. This survival and growth has been due, in large measure, to the leadership of the industry. This has been provided by producers who have trusted their own intuition by building and mobilizing the resources — human, financial and operational — that are needed to achieve creative and commercial success on Broadway. This paper has sought to establish the lessons that can be learned from these successful leaders with the objective of providing guidance for leaders in other business sectors. Broadway producers are notable exemplars of effective leadership in action. The research reported in this article can be useful in aligning the interests of both individuals, seeking to develop their leadership capability, and organizations keen to provide leadership development. The leadership learning framework developed as a result of our research with Broadway producers provides clear indicators about the areas on which individuals and organizations should focus in order to develop leadership knowledge and skills.

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