دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی مکانیزم تأیید هویت داده های کنترل شده و امن شده در محاسبات ابری - اشپرینگر 2018

عنوان فارسی
مکانیزم تأیید هویت داده های کنترل شده و امن شده در محاسبات ابری
عنوان انگلیسی
Secured and memory overhead controlled data authentication mechanism in cloud computing
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
اشپرینگر - Springer
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مهندسی کامپیوتر
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
امنیت اطلاعات و رایانش ابری
محاسبات خوشه ای - Cluster Computing
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - P. A. College of Engineering and Technology - India
کلمات کلیدی
محاسبات ابر، هوشمند سیستم نظارت هوشمند بر سلامتی مبتنی بر ابر (CIHMS)، به اشتراک گذاری داده ها، رمزگذاری کلیدی کل


Cloud based intelligent health monitoring system (CIHMS) is smart equipment which facilitates the patients to repossess the health care information without going to the hospital. By recording the health care information of the patients in the cloud environment, this could be attained. Nevertheless, while coming to the part of security of healthcare information is a difficult issue. Cloud computing gives a means of storing and distributing the huge amount of data’s from the several users. Storing and distributing data contents via third party server will bring about more security problems. The care should be taken on those contents that are dealing via the cloud storage and the illegal access made by malevolent users must be observed and retracted. In the previous research, Bi-directional storage verification in cloud storage (BD-SVCS) is presented for the cloud environment that will validate each user beforehand giving them authentication. Nevertheless, this technique still found to be short of the safe and competent authentication. Here encryption information could be hacked simply. These issues are eliminated in the proposed methodology called scalable and enhanced key-aggregate cryptosystem (SE-KAC), in which the safe and consistent dealing of data contents is guaranteed. It gives competent security for healthcare information. This technique deals with the issue of outflow of sensitive information and implements a safe CIHMS for giving the security of the related parties and their data. By utilizing this technique, the patient and healthcare institutions could record the health and medical prescription data in encrypted format. For encryption, the double encryption technique with cipher text id known as classes for enhancing the security. The key owner contains a master secret key which is utilized to extract the secret keys for various classes. The extracted key is accumulated and forwards as a single aggregate key to the patient for the purpose of decryption. In addition, unique data shared by numerous users are found out that would be given via the similar set of resources with the intention of evading the annoying resource wastage. This is accomplished by taking the similar data contents needed by the users in the identical virtual machine. An experimental result proves that proposed research methodology SE-KAC attains higher security and less complexity.

نتیجه گیری

5 Conclusion

CIHMS decreases the problem of the patients that is utilized to take out the medical records devoid of visiting the hospital. Security in the CIHMS is a noteworthy problem. This research presents a novel technique known as SEKAC which gives effectual security in the CIHMS. This technique gives high security for the related parties those are included the communication in the CIHMS. This technique utilizes the dual encryption technique for encrypting the data two times and makes use of the cipher text classes for the purpose of encryption. Afterward, the cipher text id are combined and utilized for the purpose of decryption. The cipher text classes are produced in relation to the size of the data. Consequently, this technique aids massive quantity of data’s since it produces the cipher text classes vigorously. Experimental outcomes are examined for the research SE-KAC and the previous KAC and BDSVCS technique in the CIHMS. Outcomes prove that the research technique attains high security in regard to confidentiality and integrity, high scalability while matched up with the previous techniques. In future work, privacy of users can be considered to provide the anonymous and secured authentication of users. Recent encryption algorithms have been applied to prevent the hackers from stealing information. In future it will be better to integrate with the hadoop environment to support the large volume of health care information.

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