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تعهد کارمند و سرمایه روانی مثبت
عنوان انگلیسی
Employee Engagement and Positive Psychological Capital
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صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics

Employee engagement, orthe complete cognitive, emotional, and physical immersion of the self in one’s work, is often touted as the pinnacle of positive employee attitudes. There is robust research to support this claim: Higher levels of employee engagement lead employees to perform work of higher quality (e.g., fewer errors), to be more committed to the organization,to be more likely to go above-and-beyond for the organization, and leave the organization at a reduced rate. As a result, organizations realize observable gains in productivity and employee replacement costs plummet. Further, engaged employees are more interested in and capable of forming strong connections with customers, as demonstrated in studies that link employee engagement to lower customer attrition rates and higher customer spending rates. An engaged workforce,then, appears criticalto developing and maintaining high-quality customer service relationships. As a consequence of the robust utility of engagement, researchersin a recent Organizational Dynamics article assert that employee engagementshould also be included as an a fifth element in the Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard, in addition to the traditional four elements: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth. The authors rightly argue that the relationship between employees connecting with and delighting customers and positive financial results from the employees’ efforts warrant such an inclusion. Beyond this article, popular press examples of such a linkage can be found at companies such as Whole Foods, Costco, and Zappos, where a customer-centric and employeecentric culture purportedly drive organizational performance.

نقش PSYCAP در تعیین تعهد کارکنان


This article began with a description of current research on predictors of employee engagement, organizing these predictorsinto three traditional forms of capital: human,social, and family. We then argued that PsyCap was a critical fourth form of capital that is predictive of engagement. PsyCap imbues employees with the hardiness and energy to immerse in a task, that is, to be engaged. We first provided quantitative support for this argument from our recent research, and then highlighted further the connections between PsyCap and engagement qualitatively in five case-based examples. In summary, we argue that a leader who is serious about increasing employee engagement should look closely at PsyCap as a means to directly influence the strength of the emotional ties of the employee to the organization, its values and goals. An active program to develop PsyCap in the organization will lead to strengthen the engagement between employees and the organization because the organization will be demonstrating its concern aboutthe employee and working to improve their emotionalstate. For example, Tasty Catering, which applies the core dimensions of PsyCap in its leadership philosophy, has employee engagement measures that score in the upper decile level. From its leadership actions, Tasty Catering was awarded as American Psychological Association’s ‘‘Psychologically Healthiest Workplace’’ in 2014. The CEO indicates, ‘‘The employee is the focus of the organization. If you focus on the employee, they will take care of the customers, and the desired outcomes will come to the organization.’’ Through the myriad of leader behaviors described here to improve PsyCap, employee engagement appears more potentially attainable than ever before.

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