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فعالیت معقول: چگونه می توان در ساخت حرفه خود فعال و معقول بود
عنوان انگلیسی
Wise proactivity: How to be proactive and wise in building your career
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سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics

John is a financial consultant working for a large company. He has been working with the company for ten years and has had one promotion in that time. John is frustrated with his company. His friends who work for other companies have been promoted at least twice in the same period. John spends a lot of time ruminating about whether he should move to another company that will better recognize and reward his talents. Invariably though, John decides that it is better to just stay put and drop hints during his annual performance appraisal that he would like to be promoted. Laura is a lawyer for a small private firm. She has a manager who gives her opportunities to directly supervise and help manage more junior lawyers in the firm. Laura is seeking to move up in the firm. Her manager tells her that part of her promotion evaluation will be to demonstrate that she can successfully lead junior colleagues and win cases. She decides to start putting the pressure on her junior colleagues to deliver work that will make them win. When they don’t meet her expectations, Laura takes over and does the work herself to the standard she thinks is required for her promotion, rather than spending the time to provide feedback and mentor them along the way. She ends up feeling overwhelmed and isolated, and her junior colleagues are also frustrated with her leadership.

نتیجه گیری


Individuals are more successful when they ‘make things happen’ in their careers. This can be in the form of proactive work behavior, proactive strategic behavior, or proactive person-environment fit behavior. All these types of proactivity can have positive outcomes for an individual’s careers. In contrast, a passive approach to one’s career can mean getting stuck in an unfulfilling or exhausting job, accepting an unsatisfactory status quo, and ultimately, not realizing your future work self. Yet proactivity is risky! Fear and uncertainty about how proactivity will turn out, or not seeing why proactivity is needed, often holds people back from actively taking charge of one’s work life, resulting in a lack of can do, reason to, or energized to motivation for proactivity. We described how you can use this motivational model to identify areas where you are most likely to apply your proactivity. You can also think about how you are going to be proactive. Setting unwise proactive goals, or pursuing proactive goals in an unwise way, is more likely to damage your reputation, result in burnout, and/or harm your career than wise approaches to proactivity. When taking charge of your career, set clear goals that reflect your priorities and take care of your time and energy, though do not lose sight of the interests of others alongside with the bigger picture for your workgroup and the organization. In sum, we have suggested the way forward lies not in passivity, nor in egocentric proactivity, but in wise proactivity.

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