دانلود رایگان مقاله بینش کلیدی مدیریتی از منطق خدمات غالب

عنوان فارسی
چشم انداز خدمات: بینش های کلیدی مدیریتی از منطق خدمات غالب (S-D)
عنوان انگلیسی
A service perspective : Key managerial insights from service-dominant (S-D) logic
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics

Several hundred years ago, when production began to shift to factories, the firm became a bureaucracy that organized and planned production and its sale. Most production occurred in the cottage or household or in relatively small, craftsfocused shops. The ascendance of the bureaucracy during this period occurred when people, things, and information moved slowly. Network connections between people and organizations were relatively few, short, slow, and at times impossible to develop. As we entered the Industrial Revolution, few recognized that the transformation was less about manufacturing and mostly about the ascendance of communication and transportation technologies. These developments enabled a revolution in manufacturing and established network connections between people and organizations that increasingly extended to networks connecting things, people and organizations. By the 1950’s, most developed countries were moving beyond the industrial era and were entering what some called a ‘‘postindustrial’’, ‘‘services’’, ‘‘information,’’ and ‘‘network’’ society. In this era, the revolutions in transportation and communication continued and were joined by a revolution in computation. Soon,the network connections and the transmission of information between people and organizations became many, long, fast, and more easily performed. During the Industrial Revolution economics was developing as a science, largely based on the pursuit of a Newtonianlike equilibrium model of markets and the economy. At the same time the manufacturing or goods-dominant (G-D) logic of management also developed. G-D logic embraced separating the consumer from the firm (producer) in order for the firm to focus on producing large quantities of homogeneous goods with workers performing highly specialized tasks that increased efficiency (lower costs). These produced goods would then be inventoried and transported to customers when needed and domestic surpluses would be exported to help create the wealth of the nation. The firm focused on the production and sale of homogeneous units of output at prices that allowed it to maximize profits.

نتیجه گیری


Management thought and theory has had a long and proud history. However, as the management discipline grew, many sub-disciplines emerged to attend to specific problems or issues that general management was not addressing. We have argued that management thought and theory have largely ignored the service revolution and specifically S-D logic. This is at a time in which the practice of management is occurring in a more knowledge intensive world. We hope our plea for service as an organizing perspective for management is considered and that others will join us in developing management practice and theory in this direction.

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