دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی ادغام مدیریت سیستم حمل و نقل و عملیات با پروژه چرخه زندگی از طراحی تا ساخت - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
ادغام مدیریت سیستم های حمل و نقل و عملیات با پروژه چرخه زندگی از طراحی تا ساخت و ساز: تلفیق بهترین عملیات
عنوان انگلیسی
Integrating transportation systems management and operations into the project life cycle from planning to construction: A synthesis of best practices
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مهندسی عمران
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
برنامه ریزی حمل و نقل، مهندسی راه و ترابری و مدیریت ساخت
مجله مهندسی ترافیک و حمل و نقل - Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Department of Civil Environmental and Construction Engineering (CECE) - University of Central Florida - Orlando - USA
کلمات کلیدی
سیستم های حمل و نقل، مدیریت، عملیات، ایمنی، برنامه ریزی، ساخت و ساز


Guided by the federal highway administration (FHWA), many states are promoting the implementation of transportation systems management and operations (TSM&O) programs. TSM&O is traditionally managed by traffic engineers that focus on optimizing efficiency and operations within a particular corridor utilizing common techniques such as re-timings and access modifications. With the emphasis moving towards maximizing current infrastructure, the practice of managing TSM&O can be applied to all units and disciplines, within a transportation entity, for increased efficiency. One main reason of the stagnated integration is the lack of policies which could support the integration of TSM&O strategies within the planning or design stages. This paper provides detailed guidance on how to apply TSM&O strategies from the planning stages to the construction phase of any general transportation project. TSM&O programs established around the nation are discussed to understand the current initiatives underway and the best practices to create a robust and performance-based program. The developed TSM&O project cycle process provides a detailed structure for the potential interactions between phases of a project and department staff as a key to ensure that the program achieves the highest level of optimization. Continuous evaluation must be undertaken by the agencies to ensure that the performance of the system is at an optimal level. Developing performance measures, which accurately describe the objectives of the agency, is critical to ensure the plan to be brought to practice.

نتیجه گیری

7. Conclusions

The development of this paper has presented a series of concepts that have to do with the implementation of a successful transportation systems management & operations (TSM&O) program. The document stresses the importance of integrating the practice of TSM&O throughout all facets of the organization with the purpose of maximizing the existing infrastructure. Based on a variety of TSM&O theory and best practices, a method of developing a TSM&O program was presented based on goals, performance measures and the full integration of the program into departments and the project cycle.

The work of similar initiatives and programs were examined nationwide to identify the best practices, lessons learned and improvements that were made in a cooperative effort to focus on these strategies. Oregon metro's structure and plan for their TSM&O initiative was a comprehensive document with a series of goals and benchmarks that are regarded as a best practice for TSM&O implementation at this stage.

Supporting the functional applications is a series of performance measures that can be used to assess progress of projects or programs. As a compilation of many agencies and theories, the performance measures list can be further expanded to suit the needs of an agency. Guidance is provided on the background and establishment of effective performance measures and what they should represent. These measures should be directly linked to benchmarks that adequately address the purpose of the program or deployment. The document also provided an exposition of the integration of TSM&O into the project cycle and departments within an agency.

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