ترجمه مقاله نقش ضروری ارتباطات 6G با چشم انداز صنعت 4.0
- مبلغ: ۸۶,۰۰۰ تومان
ترجمه مقاله پایداری توسعه شهری، تعدیل ساختار صنعتی و کارایی کاربری زمین
- مبلغ: ۹۱,۰۰۰ تومان
In this paper, we join the debate on business innovation modes that originates from the wider literature on innovation systems. These specific contributions identify and study the impact of different innovation modes, particularly the mode focused on scientific and technologically-based innovation (STI) vs. the mode based on learning-by-doing, by-using, and by-interacting (DUI). Echoing the seminal contribution by Jensen et al. (2007) and a range of other studies, we confirm the importance of the combined STI&DUI interaction mode, which has a stronger impact on innovation output (technological and nontechnological) than the two separate individual modes. Additionally, we propose a novel hypothesis on the effectiveness of firm’s interaction modes. We argue that the independent STI mode has a stronger effect on technological innovation, whereas the independent DUI mode has a stronger impact on nontechnological innovation. In addition, in line with works on the geography of innovation, and innovation systems, we try to determine the impact of regional vs. global DUI and STI interactions on technological andnon-technological innovations.Inthis case, we expectthatindiverse geographic locations, businesses tend to adopt their own context-specific interaction modes, which produce a differentiated impact on innovationoutput. This study is appliedto a large sample offirms inthe context oftheBasqueAutonomous Community in Spain.
6. Concluding remarks
This paper is framed withinthe specific debate onthe innovation modes applied by businesses that is a sub-strand of the literature on innovation systems (Lundvall, 1992, 2007; Jensen et al., 2007; Isaksen and Karlsen, 2010; Aslesen et al., 2011; Parrilli and Elola, 2012; Isaksen and Nilsson, 2013; Fitjar and Rodriguez-Pose, 2013; González et al., 2015). Over the past few years, several issues and research questions have been addressed, and additional questions M.D. Parrilli, H. Alcalde Heras / Research Policy 45 (2016) 747–756 755 have risen. This work attempts to respond to some of these questions. In particular, we worked on the issue of whether different interaction modes are associated with specific innovation outputs, finding a meaningful association (see synthetic results in Table 9).