دانلود رایگان مقاله چارچوب 5-C برای مدیریت استعداد

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چارچوب 5-C برای مدیریت استعداد
عنوان انگلیسی
The 5-C framework for managing talent
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سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics

What do Novartis, GE, Roche, Costco, Haier, IKEA, Google, Haier, Ford, Tata, Starbucks, LG, Siemens, P&G, Huawei, DuPont, Unilever, Apple, Disney, 3M, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, ABB, Toyota, Roche, Amazon, Ritz Carlton, Southwest Airlines, Wipro, Nestle, Shell, Panasonic, and Facebook have in common? The answer is that they all take very seriously the concept and practice of managing their people as valuable human capital, as talent, as a high value corporate asset. They link this talent to the leadership, values, company culture, strategies and the external environment of their companies. They use analytical tools and techniques that are understood and supported by everyone, all for the explicit purposes of being excellent, flexible and adaptable to serve the current and longer term interests of all their stakeholders. Not only has talent management become seen as totally necessary for organizational sustainability and competitive advantage, it has become one of the most widely discussed topics in management by academics, consultants, senior executives and managers for almost twenty years under the label of ‘‘talent management’’ or ‘‘global talent management.’’ Because the conditions that have given rise to this phenomenon are only accelerating, without question it is very likely this will continue. Managing talent or practicing talent management (TM) or global talent management (GTM) extremely well is not a choice for companies but a mandate for companies that want to succeed and excel. To manage talent well requires managers to make choices, many choices indeed because there is no one best way or one best set of policies and practices. This article is about those choices and offering a framework for thinking about and acting upon those possible choices. It reflects the experiences of the companies listed above and many others who have been working at managing talent as systematically and continuously as possible. These experiences are cataloged throughout our discussion.

نتیجه گیری


In discussing the importance of people and talent in companies, it is hard not to reflect on the classic work by Tom Peters and Bob Waterman, In Search of Excellence. These authors found that, although they initially thought it would be strategy and structure that made companies excellent, it actually all boiled down to ‘‘people’’! So while the people were starting to be recognized as important to the success of the company, it was more a motto than a reality in actual practice, with some exceptions of course such as those companies studied by Peters and Waterman, including IBM, 3M, Disney, Apple and W.L. Gore. But then as the external contextual conditions started to develop and intensify at the end of the 20th and into the 21st centuries, concern for ‘‘people’’ management transformed to an entirely new level under the label of ‘‘talent’’ management. This meant that some individuals matter much more to the strategic success of the company than others. Being able to document that some individuals had special competencies on which the success of the company depended made it easier to treat them differently than the others, as companies had traditionally been doing with executives. So those with ‘‘talent’’ gotspecialtreatment and so they continue to today. No doubt in some companies almost all employees are perceived and treated this way, and not surprisingly they end up on the ‘‘Best Companies to Work for’’ list and increasingly, on the ‘‘Most Admired Companies’’ list including Apple, Starbucks, Google, Amazon and Southwest Airlines. Other companies do a greatjob in managing talent, but manage fewer ofthem in a special way, and also manage to do well. And clearly, there is little doubt that even how the best companies manage their talent varies widely across the world for a wide variety of contextual reasons. But it does have to start with the leadership at the top. Once started there, it is much easier for the company to develop its programs for managing talent using all the 5 Cs discussed in this article.

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