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قرار دادن شخصیت رهبر به شیوه های منابع انسانی برای دستیابی به برتری پایدار
عنوان انگلیسی
Embedding leader character into HR practices to achieve sustained excellence
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سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت منابع انسانی و مدیریت عملکرد
دینامیک سازمان - Organizational Dynamics
بخشی از مقاله


Character influences not only how competencies are exercised by an individual, but also whetherthey are exercised at all in a particular situation. There are many examples of leaders who are highly competent in their jobs, but derail as a result of character deficiencies. For example, Chip Wilson is the founder of Lululemon Athletica. Over the course of his impressive career he mastered myriad business challenges. Yet, he created problems for himself and his organization by losing control over his tongue. For example, in 2013 Lululemon came under fire when some of its women’s yoga pants turned out to be unexpectedly transparent under workout conditions. Wilson’s response was that some women’s bodies simply were not appropriate for Lululemon’s products. He was savaged in the media for such comments. Despite being the founder and largest shareholder of Lululemon, the board of directors pressured him to resign. Temperance, namely, conducting oneself in a calm, composed manner, and to maintain the ability to think clearly and responsibly in tense situations, is an essential dimension of character. Or consider the leadership of Heather Bresch, the embattled CEO of Mylan. The pricing of a two-pack EpiPens kit jumped from about US$100 to more than US$600 since the company acquired rights to the life-saving product in 2007. Instead of addressing the concerns of critics who accused the company of price gouging allergy-prone families, she choose to enrage customers by bluntly stating, “I am running a business.” Bresch’s lack of empathy led to a storm of public shaming which included a four-hour Congressional hearing. Empathy is an element of the leader character dimension of humanity and has been shown to be a predictor of performance.

نتیجه گیری


Good leadership is a function of an individual’s competencies, character and commitment. Leader character has received the least attention, yet studies have shown that character is an important way through which individual and organizational performance can be enhanced. We end this paper with three conclusions. First, it is important that individuals across the organization recognize that leader character is critical to their and their organization’s success. Second, the importance of leader character should be reflected in HR systems and processes, from hiring to leadership development, to promotions and dismissals. This requires embedding leader character into extant HR processes and systems. Third, leaders in the organization play a key role in promoting the development of leader character. They model the character they want to see throughout the organization and in doing so help to shape the corporate culture they believe will lead to the organization’s success. They coach and mentor people so that they can succeed in those cultures. They hire and promote those who demonstrate the appropriate behaviors. In sum, they bring personal engagement in leadership development processes and programs.

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