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توسعه انعطاف و سازگاری شغلی
عنوان انگلیسی
Developing career resilience and adaptability
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سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics

Developing a clear set of career goals and plans can be beneficial at almost any stage of your career, though careers rarely unfold as intended or imagined. No matter how much people analyze their aspirations and opportunities in the service of planning their career, unexpected developments often bring unforeseen changes. Such developments can be driven by processes within you, such as changing personal aspirations and growth needs, or by external events that you did not plan or expect, such as the fortuitous opportunity that seems to drop from the sky or shocks that derail progress along an intended career pathway. It’s wise to expect the unexpected to occur at some point in your career. This is why it is important to build resilience and adaptability into your career — before the unforeseen happens. Resilience is the capacity to bounce back from disruptions. In terms of careers, resilience is the capacity to continue making progress toward your current career goals with the resources and strategies you have already developed; to Keep Calm and Carry On, as it were. But sometimes events require you to change. Adaptability involves reformulating your goals and/or strategies to adapt to new work and career realities. Such changes ideally leave you less vulnerable to the previous types of shocks and more aligned with your new work environment. The focus of this article is on how you can build your capacity to anticipate and respond to shocks so that you are both more resilient in the face of unexpected events and more able to make changes to your career goals and strategies to adapt to new environments, when necessary.

نتیجه گیری


Our intention has been to help build your awareness of the range and types of career shocks that might affect your career path, as well as your preparedness to respond to them effectively. You may be fortunate to experience positive shocks, such as a fast-track promotion, an extremely helpful new mentor, or an unexpected job offer that fits your career goals. Enjoy those moments, though be carefulto notletsuch positive events trap you into a career direction at the expense of giving up other valued career and/or life goals. Most people will experience at least one negative career shock during their working life. When this happens, manage your emotions effectively and carefully consider whether you can, and wish to, continue on your current career path, or whether it is best to change direction. If new skills are required, ensure that a fixed mindset is not holding you back from developing them. We encourage you to think about and routinely balance your goals, based on the career and life outcomes that are most important to you at the time. Perhaps it is time to pursue a new role or craft your work role in a manner that provides more financial security, more life balance, more learning and growth, or more of a legacy. You may deem each of these career outcomes as paramount at different stages of your career. Once you decide, then plan how you will balance and achieve your various goals, while also applying the psychologicalstrategies that can support your adaptability and help you to weather the career shocks you experience.

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