دانلود رایگان مقاله مدیریت استعداد مجریان حرفه ای و برنامه ریزی کار

عنوان فارسی
مجریان حرفه ای و برنامه ریزی کار / نقش: ابزارهای حرفه ای و مدیریت استعداد
عنوان انگلیسی
Career anchors and job/role planning: Tools for career and talent management
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سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics

As the world of work and organizations become more complex, the issue of how to think about and build a career becomes more complicated for the individual, especially as early career selection and early career moves prove to be relatively poor predictors of what people ultimately want to get out of their career. At the same time, organizations find it harder and harder to define jobs and ‘‘work,’’ wisely allocate people to jobs, manage retention, and develop the talent needed to get the work done effectively. In this paper we will show how the concepts of ‘‘career anchors’’ and ‘‘job/role planning’’ can help individual career occupants and the human resource function achieve a better match between the needs of the individual and the needs of the organization. We will also consider how the changes that we are all experiencing on a global scale will influence these processes.

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We have outlined how the quest for a good fit between yourself and your career may be facilitated by diagnosing both your career anchor, as well as the expectations of those who occupy the work roles you are (contemplating) undertaking. An inescapable conclusion from our decades of use of the career anchor categories and the job/role analysistoolisthatthe inner careers of people are different, even ifthey are in the same occupations and jobs. In addition, specific jobs viewed as role sets are often very different from each other, even when the job descriptions are identical. While itistempting to look for general concepts of what is a career, what is an occupation, and what is a job, we must instead remain aware of idiosyncratic differences among people and jobs, in order to effectively attract, motivate, and retain a highly talented workforce.

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