دانلود رایگان مقاله درسهایی از کمپین 2016 ریاست جمهوری آمریکا

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کیمیای اعتبار: درسهایی از کمپین 2016 ریاست جمهوری آمریکا
عنوان انگلیسی
The alchemy of authenticity: Lessons from the 2016 US Presidential Campaign
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سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
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مدیریت سازمانی
پویایی سازمانی - Organizational Dynamics

Donald Trump’s descent from the heavens into the Iowa State Fair just prior to the Iowa Caucus via his TRUMPemblazoned helicopter was derided as an attention-grabbing stunt. And of course, that’s exactly whatit was. Butit also showcased exactly what is right about the Trump campaign and what is wrong about others, particularly that of Hillary Clinton. Trump’s splashy entrance was vintage Trump. He is indeed a showman, an attention-grabber, and a braggart. The fact that he doesn’t attempt to be anything else is exactly what has put him atop the polls. American voters like the common touch. But what they crave even more is authenticity, a sense that a candidate means what he says and will do what he intends to do when he gets into office. This is what Trump is really selling. At exactly the moment multimillionairess Hillary Clinton was milling about the fair pretending to be one with the proletariat, Trump was hovering overhead pretending to be nothing but a rich man in his own personal aircraft. (Koffler, Lifezette, 2016) What an era we live in, when full frontal ‘being yourself’ is hailed as the decisive factor for the US presidential election campaign. Donald Trump is considered ‘authentic’ because he is unashamedly rich and audaciously outspoken. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton appears to be a fraud, trying to blend in, eating a pork chop on a stick. And in the background was Bernie Sanders, whose candid alignment with social justice and his army of supporters startled political commentators. It would be easy to write off the 2016 US presidential election as a once-in-a-lifetime media circus. We believe, however, that the 2016 campaign deserves some thoughtful reflection on what it means to be an ‘authentic’ leader. Not just because it is a race for one of the most powerful–—possibly the most powerfulleadership role on the planet, but because the campaign has become a very public stage where ‘authentic’ leadership has played a starring role at both ends of the political spectrum.

نتیجه گیری


Observing the 2016 US presidential election campaign offers insights into authentic leadership that have implications for other settings and contexts. Next, we summarize our four key observations with some implications for organizations and managers. First, it is clear that, like it or not, at this point in history, leaders are being judged heavily on how ‘authentic’ they appear to be. During the campaign, authenticity was presented time and time again to be the ‘It’ factor in this high-profile political contest. Second, despite the association of authenticity with properties of the individual leader, we have argued that it is inaccurate to think of authenticity as something that a leader has (or does not have). We suggest that authenticity emanates from an alchemy between leaders and followers and that authenticity is relational in nature. The relational dynamics between leaders and followers are played out, in part, through ‘dramas of authenticity’, such as campaign rallies. In these events, which include both the face-to-face and social media versions, people participate in a powerful, amplified experience with others. The amplification of experience makes it feel more ‘real’, more authentic. So, the leader is not alone in producing or enacting authenticity. Unwittingly perhaps, followers play an important and active role in the construction of authenticity, which they nonetheless tend to attribute back to the leader.

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