دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی اثرات آمیخته بازاریابی تست خرده فروشی در حمایت: یک متاآنالیز - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
اثرات آمیخته بازاریابی تست خرده فروشی در حمایت: یک متاآنالیز
عنوان انگلیسی
Testing Retail Marketing-Mix Effects on Patronage: A Meta-Analysis
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مجله خرده فروشی - Journal of Retailing
Director of the Aston Centre for Retail Insights (ACRI) - Aston Business School - Aston University - UK
کلمات کلیدی
اثرات آمیخته بازاریابی خرده فروشی؛ حامی خرده فروشی؛ رفتار خریدار؛ تفاوت های کشور؛ متا آنالیز


Retailers have always worked to establish close relationships with customers through the retail marketing mix. Thus, the literature has a long tradition of testing the effects of various instruments on retail patronage. This meta-study synthesizes prior research into one comprehensive framework. We use 14,895 effect sizes reported by more than 239,000 shoppers from 41 countries extracted from 350 independent samples, to test the impact of 24 marketing-mix instruments on retail patronage. Specifically, we investigate the direct and indirect effects of these instruments on store satisfaction, word of mouth, patronage intention, and behavior. Product and brand management related instruments display the strongest effects on most outcome variables, whereas price, communication, service and incentive management instruments affect only selected outcomes. Distribution management turns out to be of secondary importance. However, the effectiveness of these instruments depends on the specific shopping context (food/non-food, shopping frequency, single store/agglomeration, hedonic/utilitarian), the retail environment (gross domestic product, country innovativeness, retail sales share, retail employment, Internet era), and the employed method (participant type, study design, data source). Specifically, we reveal most differences for hedonic shopping environments and developed countries. Also, the store’s advertising and atmosphere have gained importance in the Internet era, while purchase incentives, in-store orientation, and store location have lost relevance. This study contributes to a synoptic understanding of the comparable effectiveness of retail marketing instruments on retail patronage. It offers insights into the effectiveness of marketing-mix instruments and provides guidance on whether and when to invest in them. It also presents an agenda for future research on marketing-mix instruments.



This research was motivated by the need to integrate prior research on retail marketing-mix instruments and their influence on retail patronage. The aim was to contribute to the literature by collecting empirical findings on marketing-mix effects, examining the effectiveness of different instruments, and providing cross-context theorizing on the impact of shopping context and retail environment characteristics on retail marketing instruments. The study synthesized 14,895 effect sizes of retail marketing instrumentsreported by 239,008 shoppersfrom 41 countriesto develop a research agenda. In doing so, the study answers questions of whether and when to invest in specific marketing-mix instruments.

First, most instruments related to the management of the (1) product, (2) service, (3) brand, (4) price, (5) incentive, (6) communication, and (7) distribution influence at least one dimension of retail patronage directly. Furthermore, the importance of most retail marketing instruments differs across the various outcome variables. The only exception is quality of products, which matters for all examined outcomes. We find that instruments of all seven groups directly affect customer satisfaction. However, some predictors have significantly greater effectiveness in influencing retail patronage than others. While personal selling (communication), the retail and service tenantmix (service), corporate brand (brand), and low prices had the strongest impact on customer satisfaction, instruments like temporal distance (distribution) and product brands (brands) had a lower or even non-significant impact. Surprisingly, we do not find a positive effect of incentives on customer satisfaction. Evanschitzky et al. (2012) explain that transactional customers mainly visit a store for specific incentives and are less likely to develop a long-term relationship.

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