دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی مطالعه و آزمون رابطه بین آموزش در مورد رضایت شغلی و اثربخشی سازمانی - SSRN 2018

عنوان فارسی
مطالعه و آزمون رابطه بین آموزش در مورد رضایت شغلی و اثربخشی سازمانی
عنوان انگلیسی
Study and Test the Relationship between Training on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Effectiveness
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کلمات کلیدی
تعهد کار، عملکرد، رضایت شغلی، تعهد آموزش، ارزیابی نیازهای آموزشی، محتوای آموزشی و رویکرد تحویل و ارزیابی آموزش


Training is an important element in organizations, because it greatly affects people to learn how to be more effective at working by modifying knowledge, skills or attitudes through a learning experience to achieve successful performance. Similarly, training is the long-term loyalty of all employees because they must learn and acquire new skills and knowledge that become a turning point for their success in the workplace. In addition, behavioral modifications will occur after the training process because they must be removed. New style of managing things. For example, employees must implement secure manual handling methods to ensure that all operations are performed manually. Instead, training involves two-way communication between the coach and the person who learns. However, training does not mean sitting in a room while listening to a speaker. Otherwise, you can simply watch a video that refers to what we've seen in your video. Legally, training can be formal, informal, out of service or out of service. Training is widely understood as targeted communication because training focuses on what you need to know to achieve the purpose of skill development, behavior change and efficiency. As a result of this study, staff and employers are likely to gain a better understanding of the importance of training that reveals an employee's commitment and performance to work. Future research should continue to explore the same independent variables and their impact on the performance of undergraduate postgraduates. Further research in the future can look at the effects of training on public and private school teachers (specify a particular course). Human resources management should realize that, since applicable training can help staff develop their career, they can commit to working to increase their performance. As a long-term measure to ensure effective training, a performance monitoring system should be developed for post-training work to enable the organization to determine the effectiveness of training of participants and to identify basic training needs in a timely manner. Come. This study examined the impact of training on job commitment, job satisfaction and job performance. The four training components, such as commitment to training, assessment of training needs, training content, completion approaches and training evaluation, are important in human resources management.

نتیجه گیری


The outcomes of this study suggest that training commitment, training needs assessment, training contents and delivery approaches, and training evaluation affect an employee’s work commitment job satisfaction and performance in an organization. This study exemplifies a positive light towards increasing employee’s performance. This is a step towards identifying the kinds of training and development programs needed to ensure creativity, understanding ofnew knowledge and skills are instilled in employees and that more importantly; it is shown in the way the employee’s conduct the work tasks. A valid training program with a clear training purpose and valid informational contents which using effective delivery approaches, able to attract employees to attend and participate in the training to develop their capacities. Training plays a prominent role in an employers' organization for several reasons. Firstly, it enables the organization to contribute to the development of a country's human capital because its influence on the education policies and schemes. Hence, they organized training to the public training institutions to have better served business needs. The aim is to act upon the employers to invest more in training for employee development which employers should recognize as a key to their competitiveness in the future. The second reason is to provide an important service to members, particularly in industrial relations. The third reason is an important source of income that provided by the organization because they deliver relevant quality training to the employees. The fourth reason is to improve the staff knowledge by offering relevant training to them. Moreover, training provided to the employee to ensure the knowledge required for a certain job to increase the quality of services such as policy lobbying, advisory and representation services. The sixth reason is to contribute better human relations and organizational performance by matching a corporate goals and people management policies. As a final point, training can improve the overall image of the organization and professionalism which can lead to increase membership and influence. Finally, measure the effectiveness of training programs is often argued job performance. It should be noted that contextual factors, motivation, knowledge, skills, attitude, ability and talent are an element that cannot be ignored in assessing an employee's performance after they implemented a training program. Job performance can be summed up as a combination of mental and physical abilities of employees in the execution of any work, both of criteria depend in turn on the requirements of a work ethic. Therefore, to measure the performance of an oeuvre, the difference between a job and a form of employment should be considered. The statement explained that the program effectively training's successful insight cannot be said to be the sole determinant of job performance improvement, but interest role, influence and effectiveness of the training program cannot be denied as critical to enhance employee performance (table 7).

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