دانلود رایگان مقاله نقش کارآفرینان اجتماعی در توسعه اهداف روستایی

عنوان فارسی
نقش کارآفرینان اجتماعی در توسعه اهداف روستایی
عنوان انگلیسی
The roles of social entrepreneurs in rural destination development
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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سالنامه تحقیقات گردشگری - Annals of Tourism Research
school of Hospitality Management and Tourism
کلمات کلیدی
کارآفرین اجتماعی، گردشگری روستایی، توسعه اهداف روستایی، توان گردشگری، معماری شبکه


This paper seeks to explore how social entrepreneurs are relevant to our consideration of rural destination development. While many peripheral rural areas face significant challenges in terms of sustaining communities and attracting tourists it is often social entrepreneurs, as much as traditional entrepreneurs, who are involved in developing new ideas, new products and activities, and envisioning a future for the area. This study, which is based on case studies resulting from nine semi-structured interviews carried out in rural areas in Ireland, South Africa and USA, identifies key roles that social entrepreneurs play in terms of rural destination development; namely that of an opportunist, catalyst, and network architect, and this is used to build a theoretical framework within which SEs can be analyzed.

نتیجه گیری


The key finding of our cross-case analysis is that SEs play a vital role in rural destination development. Our paper has demonstrated rural SEs are a significant force in identifying the tourism potential in rural destinations (opportunists), catalyzing a collective vision, and operating as network architects to achieve social objectives, in three destinations, differing in geographical and social contexts. Our findings indicate that rural SEs are likely to be a feature of many destinations worldwide. Thus, it is important that SEs become part of the destination discourse in order to better understand the social objectives of communities transitioning from agriculture to tourism economies. Our paper identified the roles of SEs as opportunists, catalysts, and network architects. Just as Komppula (2014, p. 361) argued the importance of “innovative, committed and risk-taking entrepreneurs” for destination development, this research reveals that the same can be said for SEs. These roles are vital in the development and functioning of rural tourism destinations in terms of identifying tourism potential, encouraging others to be part of the development activity, and developing networks. Without such actions, the destination and local tourism products would be unlikely to emerge or evolve. Beyond the SE discussion, this finding also highlights the potential for research and discussion around the roles required within destinations and networks to ensure future development, as well as which stakeholders play these roles and why. There are some limitations of this research to note. Firstly, the research is based on three destinations and nine SEs. While similarities across the cases are evident, a greater scope of research in different situations (e.g., urban, less developed economies, destinations at different points in their lifecycle), different types of SEs (e.g., across a range of ages, years of activity, background) would further enhance our knowledge. Secondly while this research has identified three roles, and the fact that the research was conducted in three different contexts provides a strong underpinning for these findings, it is possible that further studies may highlight additional roles which will add to the theory presented here.

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