دانلود رایگان مقاله اشکال مسئول آموزش مدیریت پروژه: تعدد نظری و تدریس انعکاسی

عنوان فارسی
اشکال مسئول آموزش مدیریت پروژه: تعدد نظری و تدریس انعکاسی
عنوان انگلیسی
Responsible forms of project management education: Theoretical plurality and reflective pedagogies
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مدیریت پروژه
نشریه بین المللی مدیریت پروژه - International Journal of Project Management
Faculty of Business and Law - University of the West of England - Bristol Frenchay Campus - UK
کلمات کلیدی
آموزش مدیریت مسئول، طراحی دوره مدیریت خلاقانه و تدریس، نظریه پردازی کاربردی، گفت و کوی میان رشته ای


The paper aims to revive an interest in the notion of responsible project management education (RPME) in the context of related contemporary debates about the integration of reflexivity, ethics and sustainability in the business schools' curricula; the purpose, values and effectiveness of university education; and practical relevance of business and management courses, to mention only a few. We offer an interpretation of what RPME at university level may mean concerning the practice of curriculum design and pedagogy of project management courses in light of a perceived nature of project management theory and the field as practised. We argue that responsible project management education should make the theorising of the process of projectification, relational complexity and practical wisdom (combining prudence, instrumental and value rationality) accessible and appealing to all involved and should pursue experiential reflective learning. To illustrate how it may work in practice, we reflect on our longstanding experience with designing and delivering a PM module for an MBA programme. Apart from the challenge with maintaining the requisite diversity of the teaching team and practitioners' input into the course, we illuminate some benefits and challenges as perceived by the participating students. These are: discomfort caused by encountering a different ‘project management’; excitement in embracing the unexpected; light-bulb moments in redefining one's own understanding of PM practice and in finding a new way of understanding and dealing with a specific situation in the workplace.

نتیجه گیری

6. Concluding remarks

Project management courses are a common ingredient of business school curricula at all levels. There is a growing body of evidence of a steady and fruitful effort, especially since the formation of the ‘Rethinking Project Management’ Network (Winter et al., 2006), to elevate PM education beyond the perceived instrumental-technical nature of the field towards a theoretically informed, multidisciplinary and applied academic subject. The aim of our paper has been to conceptualise, justify and argue for the practice of responsible project management education (RPME) and discuss its implementation by reflecting on an example of a PM module at MBA level from our own practice. Table 1 summarises the four proposed principles of RPME and the underpinning conceptual rationale. We suggest that it would be irresponsible not to transparently address the realities of ambiguous organising in a complex global world of projects and its socio-political drivers. The perceived nature of project management theory, and of the field as practised, requires continuous problematisation and questioning in light of practitioners' lived experience. Increasingly articulated general concerns around ethical management practices and the ethics of management education itself, need to be addressed collectively within academic and practitioners' PM communities and reflected in the practice of responsibly educating responsible project managers.

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