دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی شیوع کمبود آهن و کم خونی در میان دانشجویان دانشگاه در استان حدیده، یمن - هینداوی 2018

عنوان فارسی
شیوع کمبود آهن و کم خونی در میان دانشجویان دانشگاه در استان حدیده، یمن
عنوان انگلیسی
Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia among University Students in Hodeida Province, Yemen
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
هینداوی - Hindawi
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
خون شناسی
کم خونی - Anemia
Department of Medical Laboratory - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Hodeida University - Yemen

Background. Iron defciency anemia (IDA) is one of the most common types of nutritional anemia in the worldwide and considered a major public health problem in developing countries especially in Yemen. Terefore, this cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence and risk factors of IDA among apparently healthy Yemeni students at Hodeida University. Method. Five hundred blood samples (326 males and 174 females) were collected randomly from medical students at Hodeida University. Participants were subjected to diferent tests including complete blood counts (CBC), serum ferritin (SF), serum iron (SI), and total iron binding capacity (TIBC). Moreover, a questionnaire was designed to collect demographics, food and drink habits, and socioeconomic status. Result. Te overall prevalence of IDA was 30.4% (� = 152), of whom 54.00% were females (� = 82) and 46.0% were males (� = 70). Students aged 20–22 years were found more anemic with prevalence 59.2% than students aged 17–19 years (25.0%) and 23–25 years (15.8%). Statistical analysis showed regularly having breakfast had signifcant (p < 0.001) role in preventing development of IDA compared with irregularly having breakfast. Infrequent consumption of vegetables/fruits; meat, fsh, chicken; tea drinking; low household income; smoking and khat (Catha edulis) chewing showed a signifcant role (p < 0.001) in provoking of IDA, whereas consumption of cofee and cola showed insignifcant infuence (� = 0.585; � = 0.513) on IDA. Conclusion. Tis study revealed that the majority of university students, especially females, have IDA that might become worse by malnutrition, lifestyle habits, and lack of awareness. Our results suggest that IDA can be prevented by providing proper knowledge on the healthful diet, improved lifestyle, and harmful efect of IDA to the students.

نتیجه گیری

5. Conclusion

IDA is highly prevalent and considered as serious health problems among university students, in Hodeidah province, Yemen. Our fndings showed that more than half of the female students were found to be IDA than males. Most of cases IDA were occurring due to the lack of healthy ironrich foods in daily food, drinking tea, irregular intake of breakfast, low household monthly income, and chewing khat, all of those were identifed as the signifcant risk factors increasing the prevalence of IDA among university students. To prevent the prevalence of IDA among students, a proper health education to increase knowledge about anemia and its causative factors, benefts of taking iron-rich food, and avoiding unhealthy food and drink intake is needed.

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