دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی ارزیابی رضایت کشاورزان و وفاداری برند به مارک های کود هندی با استفاده از DEA - اشپرینگر 2017

عنوان فارسی
ارزیابی رضایت کشاورزان و وفاداری برند به مارک های کود هندی با استفاده از DEA
عنوان انگلیسی
Measuring farmer’s satisfaction and brand loyalty toward Indian fertilizer brands using DEA
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
اشپرینگر - Springer
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت بازرگانی، بازاریابی، بازریابی بین المللی، مدیریت بازرگانی بین الملل
مجله مدیریت برند - Journal of Brand Management
Department of Management Studies - Anna University - India
کلمات کلیدی
برند کود، DEA، وفاداری برند، رضایت کشاورز، هند


The present study has attempted to identify Indian farmers’ level of satisfaction and loyalty pertaining to the purchase and use of different fertilizer brands. Fertilizer brands have to operate under certain prevailing constraints, such as uncertainty in weather conditions, the nature of the product and its usages. Added to this, there has been a reduction in the subsidy offered by the government of India, resulting in the escalation of complex fertilizer prices from INR 500 per bag to more than INR 1200 per bag. In order to gain competitive advantage through larger market share and increased profitability under the aforementioned constraints, retention of existing customers and strengthening brand loyalty have become significant preferences for fertilizer-selling firms. The study has employed data envelopment analysis as a tool to measure farmers’ satisfaction and brand loyalty efficiency toward existing fertilizer brands. The European Customer Satisfaction Index model has been used as a reference for the paper. The data analysis reveals that Paradeep Phosphates Limited featured as the most preferred brand. The study has several implications. Managers can use these findings for their self-assessment of the fertilizer brands and then improve upon or manage the farmers’ satisfaction and loyalty patterns.

نتیجه گیری


and conclusion Customer satisfaction and loyalty are the ultimate outputs of any firm for sustaining competitive advantage in the market, as well as for increasing profitability. Initially, with the help of exploratory factor analysis (KMO, composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha scores), we reduced the variables, which assisted in determining the exogenous (image, expectations, perceived quality and perceived value) and endogenous latent variables (satisfaction and loyalty) as input and output variables for the model. Following this, an output-oriented BCC DEA model was used for measuring farmers’ satisfaction and loyalty efficiency toward fertilizer brands. The results show that PPL was ranked as the preferred fertilizer brand, followed by IFFCO and CIL, whereas IPL and TCL were the least-preferred brands. As stated earlier, Odisha is a proactive agrarian state, with a number of agricultural input companies operating in different input marketing sectors, like fertilizer, seeds, equipment and crop protection chemicals, with steep competition for gaining and maintaining a high market share. Therefore, this study will help to make them aware of the different vital reasons for their growth and the actions required to keep the farmers highly satisfied because it is more expensive to attract new farmers than to retain existing farmers. For the older firms in the market, it is important to improve their images and accord farmers’ expectations the utmost priority. The existing firms must put in all efforts and must look to provide good services and high-quality products with timely delivery, which will lead to farmers’ satisfaction and, over a period of time, enhanced overall loyalty.

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