دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی نقشه های روانگرایی در شهر بابل، رویکردهای احتمالی و قطعی ایران - اشپرینگر 2018

عنوان فارسی
نقشه های روانگرایی در شهر بابل، رویکردهای احتمالی و قطعی ایران
عنوان انگلیسی
Liquefaction maps in Babol City, Iran through probabilistic and deterministic approaches
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
اشپرینگر - Springer
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
روانشناسی شناخت
بلایای زیست محیطی - Geoenvironmental Disasters
Geotechnical Engineering - RWTH Aachen University - Aachen - Germany
کلمات کلیدی
روانگرایی، احتمالي، رويكردهاي تعيين كننده، مكانيزاسيون


Background: During an earthquake, significant damage can result due to instability of the soil in the area affected by internal seismic waves. Liquefaction is known as one of the major causes of ground failure due to the earthquake. Various procedures have been classified for assessing liquefaction phenomenon into two main groups, including the deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Results: Four deterministic methods and one probabilistic approach, which is a reliability procedure are considered for assessing the liquefaction potential in Babol City. The main purpose of this comprehensive research is to evaluate the liquefaction potential and to determine the validation and accuracy of the reliability approach. For this purpose, 60 boreholes including almost 600 field records in different parts of Babol City are analyzed and liquefaction and nonliquefaction areas are identified. Microzonation maps are provided by result analysis of the deterministic and probabilistic procedures. Finally, a 2D borderline, including (CSR) and (Nspt) is obtained by analyzing all data. Conclusions: The present study illustrates that the evaluation of liquefaction potential by using reliability approach is accurate and this procedure can be recognized as one of the best methods for assessing liquefaction. The map obtained utilizing a reliability approach and the borderline provided in this study, can be utilized for recognizing liquefaction and non-liquefaction areas based on different safety factor and probabilistic procedures.

نتیجه گیری


In this study, liquefaction potential is evaluated in Babol city through four deterministic procedures, including Seed, OCDI, Iwasaki and Highway Bridge of Japan methods, respectively and one probabilistic approach, which is the reliability method. Almost 60 boreholes are analyzed in the area of study and liquefied and nonliquefied regions are determined. To better understand the results, analyzed data are presented for microzonation maps. There are almost similar answers in the central and northern areas in all maps derived from deterministic procedures, which can be concluded that central areas of Babol are recognized as liquefaction with high severety; however, considerable discrepancies resulted in the answers in the southern part of Babol and this issue demonstrated the weakness of the deterministic approaches, since similar data are obtained with different results. After assessing and analyzing all data by reliability method in terms of determining liquefaction and nonliquefaction areas, a borderline in a 2D environment, including (CSR) and (Nspt) is obtained. Liquefaction assessment can be made through this borderline. The initial impression from the microzonation map which is obtained by probabilistic approach is that almost all areas in Babol, except for the northern part of the city are considered as being liquefied with different intensity. Finally, by comparing the maps obtained for the deterministic and probabilistic methods it is concluded that the map obtained from a reliability method had the highest accuracy. From all that have been discussed so far, by comparing the maps obtained by deterministic and probabilistic procedures, it is concluded that the map which is obtained from a reliability approach possessed the highest accuracy.

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