دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی تاثیر دمای سرد در صدور ماشین مسافربری یورو 6 - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
تاثیر دمای سرد در صدور ماشین مسافربری یورو 6
عنوان انگلیسی
Impact of cold temperature on Euro 6 passenger car emissions
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مهندسی مکانیک
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مکانیک خودرو
آلودگی زیست محیطی - Environmental Pollution
European Commission Joint Research Centre - Directorate for Energy - Transport and Climate - Italy
کلمات کلیدی
شروع سرد، انتشارات کم دما، WLTC، آلاینده های غیر مجاز، انتشار NOx، صدور خودرو


Hydrocarbons, CO, NOx, NH3, N2O, CO2 and particulate matter emissions affect air quality, global warming and human health. Transport sector is an important source of these pollutants and high pollution episodes are often experienced during the cold season. However, EU vehicle emissions regulation at cold ambient temperature only addresses hydrocarbons and CO vehicular emissions. For that reason, we have studied the impact that cold ambient temperatures have on Euro 6 diesel and spark ignition (including: gasoline, ethanol flex-fuel and hybrid vehicles) vehicle emissions using the Worldharmonized Light-duty Test Cycle (WLTC) at 7 C and 23 C. Results indicate that when facing the WLTC at 23 C the tested vehicles present emissions below the values set for type approval of Euro 6 vehicles (still using NEDC), with the exception of NOx emissions from diesel vehicles that were 2.3e6 times higher than Euro 6 standards. However, emissions disproportionally increased when vehicles were tested at cold ambient temperature (7 C). High solid particle number (SPN) emissions (>1  1011 # km1 ) were measured from gasoline direct injection (GDI) vehicles and gasoline port fuel injection vehicles. However, only diesel and GDI SPN emissions are currently regulated. Results show the need for a new, technology independent, procedure that enables the authorities to assess pollutant emissions from vehicles at cold ambient temperatures. Harmful pollutant emissions from spark ignition and diesel vehicles are strongly and negatively affected by cold ambient temperatures. Only hydrocarbon, CO emissions are currently regulated at cold temperature. Therefore, it is of great importance to revise current EU winter vehicle emissions regulation.

نتیجه گیری

5. Conclusions

Our experimental results indicate that emissions from both spark ignition (including common gasoline, flex-fuel and hybrid vehicles) and compression ignition vehicles are strongly and negatively affected by low ambient temperatures. Higher emissions of THC, CO, NOx, SPN and NH3 were observed when vehicles were tested at 7 C einstead of 23 C. These pollutants are important sources of the most problematic pollutants in terms of harm to human health in Europe: PM, ground-level O3 and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). However, they are not properly addressed for modern vehicles in the current EU vehicle emissions regulation for cold temperature testing (Type 6 test). For that reason, vehicular emissions of THC, CO, NOx, SPN and NH3 should be addressed in the next revision of the EU legislation of light-duty vehicle emissions at cold temperature for all vehicle technologies.

NO2 ratio (NO2/NOx) in diesel exhaust and NH3 ratio (NH3/NOx) in gasoline exhaust are higher than those observed for pre-Euro 6 vehicles. These pollutants are involved in fundamental chemical processes in the atmosphere. Thus, this strong variation of their vehicular emissions may have a strong impact on urban air quality.

CO2 and N2O (GHGs) emissions were found to be higher (9e30% higher for CO2 and up to 1.9 times for N2O) when vehicles were tested at 7 C than at 23 C. CO2 and N2O emissions are not measured or regulated under the Type 6 test. Therefore, the contribution of the transport sector to the GHG budget may be underestimated, highlighting the importance of a new and representative procedure that enables the authorities to assess the emissions from vehicles at cold ambient temperatures.

It has been observed that a large amount of emissions can take place during the last two phases of the new type approval cycle (i.e., WLTC), and not only during the cold start. This study suggests that vehicles should be tested over the entire WLTC to be able to properly assess their emissions at cold temperature.

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