دانلود رایگان مقاله مدیریت منابع انسانی و سازماندهی مبتنی بر پروژه

عنوان فارسی
مدیریت منابع انسانی و سازماندهی مبتنی بر پروژه: خاک حاصلخیر، فرصت های از دست رفته و چشم اندازهایی برای ارتباط نزدیک تر
عنوان انگلیسی
Human resource management and project based organizing: Fertile ground, missed opportunities and prospects for closer connections
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت پروژه، مدیریت منابع انسانی
نشریه بین المللی مدیریت پروژه - International Journal of Project Management
UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business - Carysfort Avenue - Ireland
کلمات کلیدی
HRM (مدیریت سبز منابع انسانی)، PBO (سازماندهی مبتنی بر پروژه)، سطح تحلیل


We explore publishing trends regarding HRM and PBO in the main journals in the field of project management to highlight key empirical and theoretical contributions during the period 1996–2016. We offer three contributions to the field of project management. The first is theoretical where we analyze twenty years of research in key project management journals by adapting and extending the framework of Wright and Boswell (2002), and identifying categories of HRM research at three levels of analysis. This analysis provides an overview integrating exemplary research to date on the HRM-PBO link at different levels, showing areas where research is well-developed and also areas that, while promising, have not been examined in a systematic manner to date. Our second contribution is that we highlight a variety of theoretical as well as methodological resources from the HRM field that can be applied in project studies and in so doing promote cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches between these two fields. Finally, a key managerial contribution is that we introduce the project as a temporary organization level of analysis, explicitly making visible HRM practices on the project. This can guide both HRM practitioners, and project managers, in terms of the importance of projects as sites for human resource management and employment activities including careers, employee participation and employment relations all of which are critical issues and deserve more attention. Executive summary: Building on the work of J. Rodney Turner, our article reports publishing trends on the intersection between HRM (human resource management) and PBO (project based organizing) in the key research-led journals of the project management field. We examine scholarship covering single and multiple practices, and different levels of analysis, to provide a comprehensive overview of key empirical and theoretical contributions published in the International Journal of Project Management, Project Management Journal, and International Journal of Projects in Managing Business between 1996 and 2016. We use a framework that we adapted and extended from the work of Wright and Boswell (2002) to identify categories of HRM research. By reconsidering the levels of analysis identified in the original framework in light of projects and their managerial and organizational implications, we elaborated the original framework to differentiate between three different levels. First, the “supra-project organizational level/permanent organization” focuses on HRM in the permanent organization. The second level focuses on “projects as temporary organizations” and HRM on the project, and the third “individual” level focuses on HRM and individual roles. In addition we differentiate between “multiple” and “single” HRM tasks. With this paper, we provide several contributions. The first contribution is an overview integrating exemplary research to date on the HRMPBO link. Second, we identify areas where research is significantly developed and also point out areas that, while promising, have not been examined in a systematic manner to date. In general, our results show that while there was a low level of research on the HRM-PBO link in the early phase of our review period, this has given way to a steadily increasing level of attention for HRM as an important area of project studies. The key contribution is that we introduce the project as a temporary organization level of analysis, explicitly making visible HRM practices on the project. This is one the one hand a theoretical contribution as a project becomes an explicit level of analysis, on the other hand it is also a managerial contribution, as it can guide both HRM practitioners, and project managers, in terms of the importance of projects as sites for human resource management and employment activities including careers, employee participation and employment relations all of which are critical issues and deserve more attention. Finally, we identify promising areas for closer connections between HRM and projects. The HRM field can benefit from a richer and more highly contextualized focus on the complex, multi-actor, multi-level and multi-organizational setting of projects which are increasingly prevalent. As such, projects should become a more central concern of HRM scholars, not least because employees and managers, as well as those who represent them, are often drawn from these settings. The articles discussed in this review can provide a starting point for such studies to enrich the HRM field and further strengthen the field of project management.

نتیجه گیری

4. Conclusion

Building on the work of J. Rodney Turner on HRM aspects of project management, we reported publishing trends at the intersection between HRM (human resource management) and PBO (project based organizing) in the key research-led journals of the project management field. We offered three contributions to the field of project management. The first is theoretical where we present an overview of research over a twenty year period, organized according to an adapted and extended framework based on original work by Wright and Boswell (2002). Our extended framework identifies categories of HRM research at three levels of analysis and covering single/multiple HRM practices. Such an extensive and systematic analysis of the HRM-PBO link in the project management literature has not been undertaken to date. Our extended framework addresses the kinds of research undertaken at the “supra-project organizational level/permanent organization” (focusing) on HRM in the permanent organization; the “projects as temporary organizations” level and HRM on the project; and finally the “individual” level focuses on HRM and individual roles. Our second theoretical contribution is that we highlight a variety of theoretical as well as methodological resources from the HRM field that can be applied in project studies. This can promote insights into project related HRM by focusing attention on issues that have been extensively studied in the broader HRM community, such as industrial and employment relations, and participation, but have been neglected by the project management community.

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