دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی ماشینکاری الکتروشیمیایی کاربید تنگستن - اشپرینگر 2017

عنوان فارسی
ماشینکاری الکتروشیمیایی کاربید تنگستن
عنوان انگلیسی
Electrochemical machining of tungsten carbide
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
اشپرینگر - Springer
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
شیمی تجزیه
مجله الکتروشیمی حالت جامد - Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Institute of Material Science - Germany
کلمات کلیدی
انحلال آنودایز، ماشینکاری الکتروشیمیایی (ECM)، کاربید تنگستن
۰.۰ (بدون امتیاز)
امتیاز دهید


Electrochemical machining (ECM) is characterized amongst other things, by extremely high current densities and a high dissolution rate of material. Due to the extreme current densities under ECM conditions, tungsten carbide forms adherent, supersaturated, viscous films of polytungstates close to the interface. This film is permanently dissolved by electrolyte flow and is reproduced at the electrode surface. The dissolution proceeds in an active state up to 30 A cm−2 . An additional layer is formed at higher current densities which means that there is a passive state and the presence of high-field oxide films with thicknesses around 10 nm. The complex interaction between current, field strength, and oxide thickness yields a constant resistance to the oxide film. The formation of an oxide film is also indicated by the onset of oxygen evolution which consumes about 20% of anodic charge. The interaction of ionic currents (oxide formation and dissolution) and electronic currents (oxygen evolution) is small due to completely different conduction mechanisms.

نتیجه گیری


The extreme current densities form a WC electrode interface which cannot be described by common models of diffusion based on diluted systems. Close to the interface, an adherent, supersaturated, viscous film of polytungstates is formed which is continuously dissolved and reproduced. The cell potential is mainly determined by the electrolyte resistance between sample and counter electrode (Relectrolyte = 0.4 Ω cm2 in our setup). The dissolution proceeds in active state up to 30 A cm−2 . At current densities > 30 A cm−2 , an additional layer with a pseudo-ohmic resistance of 0.2 Ω cm2 is formed. This is not a current independent layer with a given Bspecific resistance^ but reflects a passive state and high-field oxide films with thicknesses around 10 nm. The complex interaction between current, field strength, and oxide thickness yields a constant resistance of the oxide film.

The formation of an oxide film and, therefore, the active/ passive transition is also indicated by the onset of oxygen evolution which cannot take place on bare metal surfaces but requires oxide films [8]. The current density of active/ passive transition is not a natural constant but varies with experimental parameters such as electrolyte flow rate and cell geometry. Oxygen evolution consumes about 20% of the anodic charge. However, the interaction of ionic and electronic currents is small due to completely different conduction mechanisms.

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