دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی تعیین کننده زیرساخت و تامین مالی آن - Sage 2017

عنوان فارسی
تعیین کننده زیرساخت و تامین مالی آن
عنوان انگلیسی
Determinants of Infrastructure and Its Financing
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت و اقتصاد
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت مالی و اقتصاد مالی
مطالعات اقتصاد در حال ظهور - Emerging Economy Studies
Institute for Capacity Development - International Monetary Fund - Washington DC - USA
کلمات کلیدی
زیرساخت، سرمایه گذاری عمومی، تامین مالی سرمایه گذاری، آمریکای لاتین و کارائیب


Adequate infrastructure is a critical input for growth and development in all countries, and especially in emerging and developing countries. This article1 examines the factors that have underpinned the stock of infrastructure across countries, including in Latin America and the Caribbean. We find that public finance and private sector participation both contribute to improving the stock of infrastructure. The impact of public finance depends on how capital investment is financed to meet the government’s budget constraint. Total domestic finance of infrastructure depends, in turn, on domestic financial depth and links to the rest of the world through trade and foreign investment.

نتیجه گیری


Progress in improving infrastructure is necessary to spur economic growth and development by reducing costs of production and transport and facilitating communications and trade. For emerging and developing countries, such as those in LAC, infrastructure shortfalls will need to be overcome to avoid hampering the countries’ growth potential. Fiscal policy plays a critical role in improving the infrastructure network. The extent of fiscal space to sustainably support infrastructure investment, and the level and composition of public financing instruments matter significantly for infrastructure stock accumulations. However, public money is not the only mechanism for enhancing infrastructure; private sector participation in providing infrastructure is a useful complement. Both of these options require a suitable macroeconomic and regulatory environment. In addition, financial depth and strong links to the rest of the world through trade and foreign investment are associated with raising domestic finance for infrastructure investment.

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