دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی هزینه پایداری در تحصیلات عالی: دیدگاه دانشجویان و کارکنان به فرهنگ غذایی دانشکده - امرالد 2017

عنوان فارسی
هزینه پایداری در تحصیلات عالی: دیدگاه های دانشجویان و کارکنان نسبت به فرهنگ غذایی دانشکده
عنوان انگلیسی
The cost of sustainability in higher education: staff and student views of a campus food culture
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سال انتشار
امرالد - Emerald
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مدیریت مالی
مجله بین المللی پایداری در آموزش عالی - International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
School of Health and Social Development - Faculty of Health - Deakin University - Australia
کلمات کلیدی
هزینه، پایداری، آموزش عالی، فرهنگ غذا، تهیه غذای محلی


Purpose – This study aims to investigate the sustainability of the food culture at Deakin University and to determine what the barriers to increasing the sustainability of food on the Burwood campus may be. Design/methodology/approach – An online survey of staff and students from the Faculty of Health at the Burwood campus of Deakin University (n = 697) was undertaken. The survey included questions relating to eating habits on campus, views on the current food culture, food security, food disposal, visions for the future and demographic information. In addition, a short paper-based survey was developed for the ten food outlets on campus. Findings – The results show that although sustainability considerations are important to staff and students, cost is the main issue and is a significant barrier to the development of a more sustainable food culture. It is also a significant barrier to staff and students making healthy choices when it comes to the purchase of food on campus. However, sustainable food initiatives such as community gardens could help alleviate this barrier and also contribute to improving student engagement. Research limitations/implications – The online survey was limited to the Faculty of Health, and, therefore, a potential bias exists towards individuals who may have an interest in health. This should be considered when interpreting the results. Originality/value – This research demonstrates that although cost may be a barrier to universities improving the sustainability of their food culture, there are other ways in which universities can create an environment that embraces sustainable food production to benefit both the environment and the university community.

نتیجه گیری


This research study was concerned with investigating how food culture contributes to a healthy and sustainable university setting. The results have shown that currently, the most pressing issue impacting on the food culture on the Deakin Burwood campus is the high cost of purchasing food on campus. It is an issue that is of major concern to staff and students alike, and it is resulting in a number of students choosing to go hungry rather than eating whilst at university. Another aim of this research was to uncover the barriers and enablers for fostering a healthy and sustainable setting at Deakin through its food culture. It is concerning that high proportions of staff and students do not buy healthy food on campus because it costs too much. Of particular concern is the very high number of international students who currently do not buy healthy food on campus because it is too expensive. The results show us that cost is the main barrier to Deakin fostering a healthy food culture on the Burwood campus. However, it should be noted as this finding is based on a small number of international students, future research aimed at investigating how international students view the cost of healthy food at university would be beneficial. The results have shown that whilst the majority of staff and students view the issues of food sustainability (seasonal produce, locally grown/produced food, fair trade foods and rubbish free foods) as important, such considerations are not viewed as important as the cost of food on campus. This shows that, as with healthy eating, cost is once again a barrier; in this case, it is a barrier to Deakin fostering a sustainable food culture on the Burwood campus. However, as the sample comprised staff and students from the Faculty of Health, it may be that respondents’ interest in food is skewed towards its health attributes, with them having less interest in sustainability. Future research should attempt to reach a wider sample so that this potential bias can be ruled out.

An enabler to a healthier and more sustainable food culture, which also improves the social connectivity of the cohort, may be the implementation of sustainable food initiatives that do not require a cost outlay from staff and students. This research provides encouragement to universities that rely on multiple independent food outlets, where there is no direct control over the food choices provided, that it may be possible to bring about a more sustainable food culture through the implementation sustainable food initiatives, such as community gardens, farmers markets and improved student access to kitchenettes.

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