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عنوان فارسی
درک انگیزه مصرف کننده برای تعامل با وب سایت های تجاری در بازار بین المللی: شواهد از سوی ایالات متحده، چین و کره جنوبی
عنوان انگلیسی
Understanding consumer motivations to interact on brand websites in the international marketplace: Evidence from the U.S., China, and South Korea
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت و مهندسی کامپیوتر
مجله تحقیقات بازاریابی - Journal of Business Research
کالج تجاری شیدلر، دانشگاه هاوایی، ایالات متحده
کلمات کلیدی
استراتژی نام تجاری، وب سایت برند، جامعه برند، بین المللی، بازاریابی اینترنتی


Brand websites provide opportunities for levels of interactivity that increase the potential for innovative cocreation between consumers and firms. However, little is known about predicting consumer interaction levels on brand websites in markets outside of North American and Europe. Adult consumers in the U.S., China, and South Korea responded to a survey measuring theory-based social and brand-based antecedents of brand website interaction frequency. In all countries, respondents who viewed brands as integral parts of selfconcept also interacted more on brand websites. This relationship was mediated by consumers' strength of identification with brand websites as communities. Susceptibility to social normative influence and a positive attitude toward materialism were important predictors of consumer interactions in all countries. Overall, this study found stronger cross-national similarities than differences. Implications emphasize recommendations related to the potential challenge and value of increasing consumer interactions on brand websites in Western and East Asian markets.

نتیجه گیری

6. Discussion

Given the continued growth and spread of global brands (Talay, Townsend & Yeniyurt, 2015), it is important to develop models that predict consumer interaction levels on brand websites (CIBW) not only in the U.S., but also in other national markets such as China and South Korea. Thus, an important contribution of this paper involves use of self-knowledge theory (Markus, 1983) as an overall guide to frame investigation of similarities and differences in nomological networks of self-schema antecedents and mediators across three diverse national markets. Extending Pentina et al. (2013a), this study found that BESC's influence on CIBW was mediated in all countries by how strongly consumers achieved a sense of community through brand websites (H5). Consumers who more deeply incorporate brands within their selfconcepts (high BESC), whether in East Asia or the U.S., also experienced stronger feelings of community through brand websites and higher levels of CIBW. Only in South Korea was the direct path from BESC to CIBW significant. This result was unexpected given H4. A post hoc explanation would be premature at this point and must await further study. However, in all three countries, the indirect path through brand community identification to CIBW was clearly the more important predictor. This is a meaningful finding, as it points to the potential value of proactively building a sense of community on brand websites in Western and East Asian national markets when strategic objectives include increasing levels of CIBW.

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