دانلود رایگان مقاله دستیابی به مزیت رقابتی از طریق چابکی زنجیره عرضه در عدم قطعیت: تصمیم گیری چند معیاره

عنوان فارسی
دستیابی به مزیت رقابتی از طریق چابکی زنجیره عرضه در عدم قطعیت: ساختار جدید تصمیم گیری چند معیاره
عنوان انگلیسی
Achieving competitive advantage through supply chain agility under uncertainty: A novel multi-criteria decision-making structure
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت، اقتصاد
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
اقتصاد پولی، مدیریت کسب و کار
مجله بین المللی اقتصاد تولید - International Journal of Production Economics
School of Business - Dalian University of Technology - China
کلمات کلیدی
پروتکل شبکه تحلیلی بسته شده حلقه، آزمایشات تصمیم گیری و آزمایشگاه ارزیابی، روش (DEMATEL) ، روش دلفی فازی، نظریه مجموعه فازی، چابکی زنجیره تامین


The electronic industry suffers a rapid changing and highly rival environment. Thus, firms have an essential need to strive for acquiring the competitive advantage. Supply chain agility (SCA) is a tool which enable to assist firms to attain the competitive advantage. Therefore, this study benchmarks the core competencies from a case study within the supply chain network and establishes a set of attributes for augmenting SCA. A novel multi-criteria decision-making structure is proposed to deal with the complex interrelationships among the aspects and attributes. Fuzzy Delphi method uses for screening out the unnecessary attributes, then integrating fuzzy set theory with decision-making trials and evaluation laboratory method and closed-loop analytical network process to evaluate the SCA in determining the core competitive advantage. The empirical results indicate that flexibility significantly impacts by process integration, information integration and strategic alliances for eco-design in supply chain. Then, process integration has the highest influence in developing the competitive advantage of innovation. The managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.

نتیجه گیری

6. Conclusions

Competitive advantage is acquired through developing SCA for dealing with the repaid changes and intense competition within Taiwanese electronic industry. Hence, this study adopts focal firm to benchmark the SCA with 5 aspects; collaboration, process integration, information integration, customer-based measures and strategic alliances for eco-design in supply chain. For achieving the competitive advantage, firms need to know what is their core competitiveness very well. Innovation, flexibility, cost and speed are the 4 core competiveness for achieving competitive advantage that concerned in this study. Previous studies have argued that firms should improve SCA in operating with uncertain environment and trying to gathering the competitive advantage. However, the linkage between SCA and competitive advantage is still infancy, due to the interrelationship, interdependence and precise structure increase the complexity during the analysis.

To overcome these gaps, there are several contributions can be obtained from this study. It offers better understanding of SCA in what particular aspects can assist firms to acquire the competitive advantage with convincible case. The developed closed-loop decision-making structure enable to consider the interrelationship and interdependence among proposed measures simultaneously for reducing the complexity and provides a systematic analysis. Subsequently, this study applies fuzzy set theory, Delphi method, DEMATEL and closed-loop ANP as a hybrid method under uncertainty. This hybrid method is specific to benchmark the focal firm in dynamic environment, which allows to prioritize the attributes, offer a visual analysis in aspects and demonstrate the relationships between SCA and competitiveness.

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