دانلود رایگان مقاله تحلیل روابط مشترک بین سازمان نوآوری تکنولوژی ساختارهای صنعتی

عنوان فارسی
تحلیل روابط مشترک بین سازمان های نوآوری تکنولوژی ساختارهای صنعتی : رویکرد ترکیبی SNA و SEM
عنوان انگلیسی
Analyzing collaborative relationships among industrialized construction technology innovation organizations: A combined SNA and SEM approach
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مدیریت صنعتی
نشریه تولید پاک - Journal of Cleaner Production
School of Management - Harbin Institute of Technology - Harbin - China
کلمات کلیدی
تکنولوژی ساختار صنعتی، نوآوری مشترک، تحلیل شبکه اجتماعی (SNA)، مدل توازن ساختاری (SEM)


Industrialized construction technology (ICT) is widely used and becoming the new green construction method, but its development is being hindered by lack of innovation. To improve this, stakeholders are endeavoring to develop more innovative methods by inter-organizational collaboration. Despite its extensive use by other industries such as manufacturing, little is known of how to successfully apply collaborative innovation to ICT. This paper develops a method for studying the effects of a variety of aspects of existing collaborative relationships for ICT innovation using a combination of social network analysis (SNA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). A set of hypotheses are proposed concerning the expected influence of SNA factors of interaction frequency, emotional intensity, reciprocal exchange, network size, network density, centrality, relationship strength, network position, promotion, enterprise scale, nature and experience on collaborative innovation. Using questionnaire data obtained from a large sample of practitioners, SEM is then used to identify the key indicators involved and the extent of their effects on innovation. The paper constructs a collaborative ICT innovation relationship model in which the strengths of the interaction paths between stakeholders are obtained. With a single exception, this confirms all the hypotheses. Most of the SNA-based a priori hypotheses are shown to be well supported, which indicates the suitability of the SNA concept in developing collaborative ICT innovation. SNA is therefore confirmed as providing a suitable conceptual basis for the modeling and analysis of ICT innovation relationships. From this, a set of recommendations are provided to guide operating companies, designers and contractors in improving their collaborative innovation efforts. The results enable suggestions for enhancing collaborative ICT innovation capacity to be advanced to promote the interaction between stakeholders and the occupation of strategic positions. Although the study is carried out in the context of China’s prefabricated housing construction, the methods can be adopted in the broader global community.

نتیجه گیری

6. Conclusions This paper presents a combined method of SNA and SEM, and applies it to collaborative ICT innovation. A set of SNA-based hypotheses are proposed concerning the relationships between collaborative innovation, interaction frequency, emotional intensity, reciprocal exchange, network size, network density, centrality, relationship strength, network position, promotion, enterprise scale, nature and experience. An empirical study is carried out in the context of ICT innovation in prefabricated housing construction in China. Questionnaire data is used to fit and test an empirical causal model. The main results of the work are: (1) A collaborative ICT innovation relationship model in which the strengths of the interaction paths between stakeholders are obtained and most of the SNA-based a priori hypotheses are well supported. SNA is therefore confirmed as providing a suitable conceptual basis for ICT innovation relationship modeling and analysis. (2) This allows suggestions for enhancing collaborative ICT innovation capacity to be advanced to promote the interaction between stakeholders and the occupation of strategic positions. In developing the SEM to show the strength of relationships between and within the SNA-based key factors and their influence on collaborative innovation, this builds on Shapira and Yehiel (2011) proposed innovative platform for collaboration between industry and academia; Xue et al. (2014) conceptual framework for construction innovation that emphasizes the critical role of collaboration; and Park et al. (2004) proposed construction dynamic innovation model based on system dynamics with multiple individual and situational impact factors, emphasizing the correlation between two key factors that drive construction innovation. The study provides the basis for more detailed work, such as research into collaborative innovation activities within a particular range from a specific stage of industrialized building; the impact of a stakeholder behavior; and the development of a simulation system of collaborative ICT innovation relationships to better understand the synergistic aspects of the innovation processes involved. The SEM model and SNA method presented in this paper provide a new way to measure the relationships among stakeholders in ICT innovation, which are tested and analyzed in the context of ICT innovation in the prefabricated housing construction sector in China. Other applications are also possible, such as knowledge sharing in construction teams (Zhang and Ng, 2013), BIM technology applications in the construction industry (Lowry and Gaskin, 2014) and the organizational environmental of construction companies (Neppach et al., 2017). Future research is needed to continue in-depth from following three perspectives: (1) collaborative innovation activities studied within a specific range and starting from a specific segment of industrialized construction; (2) studying how a particular stakeholder innovation behavior influences collaborative innovation in industrialized construction processes; (3) the development of a simulation system that can simulate the collaborative relationships of industrialized construction in the innovation process.

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