دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی کیفیت مستاجرین و مدیریت نقدشوندگی REIT - اشپرینگر 2017

عنوان فارسی
کیفیت مستاجرین و مدیریت نقدشوندگی REIT
عنوان انگلیسی
Tenant Quality and REIT Liquidity Management
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
اشپرینگر - Springer
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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مدیریت و اقتصاد
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مدیریت مالی و اقتصاد مالی
مجله امور مالی و اقتصادی مشاور املاک - The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics Studies School of Business - University of Connecticut - USA
کلمات کلیدی
REIT، مدیریت نقدینگی، دارایی نقدی، خط اعتبار، کیفیت مستاجر


Property values depend upon quality tenants and consistency (Smith: The RMA Journal 50-60, 2009). REIT firms are only as strong as their properties. In this research I examine how tenant quality affects REIT firm liquidity management (i.e. cash holdings and utilization of line of credit). I find that 1) tenant Altman Z-score and size are inversely related to total liquidity (cash plus unused credit line) and unused credit lines of REIT firms; 2) tenant size is inversely related to the total corporate liquidity and unused credit lines of REIT firms, but has no affect on REIT cash holdings; 3) tenant credit ratings are negatively related to total credit available and unused credit lines; 4) tenant book-to-market ratio and tenant profitability are negatively related to REIT cash holdings, but positively correlated to the total available credit lines and unused credit lines of REIT firms; 5) these effects vary across different property types. These results suggest that the analysis of tenant quality can offer insights into the firm policy and decision makings of REIT firms.

نتیجه گیری


In this research, I examine the effects of tenant quality on REIT firm liquidity management. I find significant evidence that the quality and creditworthiness of the tenants have an impact on REIT liquidity management. Specifically, tenant size plays an important role in liquidity management. I show that REITs with larger tenants have lower total liquidity and unused line of credit compared to those with smaller tenants. REIT firms could treat tenant size as a signal to their tenant quality if they consider size as a proxy for information transparency, financial flexibility or industry reputation. I find that REIT firms with higher tenant Z-scores and larger tenants hold lower total liquidity and lower unused credit in the subsequent year. I also show that REIT firms with more mature tenant firms (i.e. higher book-to-market ratios) and higher profitability (i.e. ROA) tend to have less cash in the subsequent year. All these relations remain statistically significant after I control for the REIT cash holding determinants suggested by Hardin et al. (2009).

Additionally, I find that tenant quality matters to REIT liquidity management within different property types. I show that tenant size has negative effects on total liquidity and unused credits for office REITs, retail REITs, and other REITs. Tenant credit ratings have positive effects on office REITs’ total credit available and unused credit lines. Tenant credit ratings have negative effects on other REITs’ total liquidity and unused credits. Office REITs, Industrial REITs and Other REITs with larger tenants hold lower total liquidity and lower unused credits in the subsequent year. Tenant credit ratings are negatively related to cash holdings in industrial REITs in the subsequent year. Moreover, I find that tenant quality factors, especially tenant size, have robust effects on REIT liquidity management after I control for REIT debt and lease schedules.

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