دانلود رایگان مقاله استفاده از آب پایدار و قیمت سایه ای آب در صنعت شهری چین

عنوان فارسی
استفاده از آب پایدار و قیمت سایه ای آب در صنعت شهری چین
عنوان انگلیسی
Sustainable water use and water shadow price in China’s urban industry
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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اقتصاد پولی و اقتصاد مالی
منابع، حفاظت و بازیافت - Resources
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics - China
کلمات کلیدی
آب صنعتی، بازده کاربرد سبز، فاصله جهانی جهت غیر شعاعی، تابع (DDF)، قیمت حدودی، شهرنشینی


China is faced with a serious water shortage problem, and industrial sector is a major water consumer. How to improve the efficiency of industrial water use is extremely important for sustainable use of water in China. This paper applies a global non-radial directional distance function (GNDDF) to measure the green use efficiency of industrial water (GUEIW) incorporating undesirable outputs during 2004–2012. We calculate the two components of GUEIW named economic efficiency of industrial water (ECEIW) and economic efficiency of industrial water (ENEIW), and the shadow price of industrial water to explore the bias between the actual prices and the shadow ones. The results show that the GUEIW shows a W type curve over the study period, and its growth is mainly driven by the ECEIW. The regional heterogeneity of the GUEIW is significant. The eastern region of China enjoys the highest GUEIW, while the central region suffers the poorest performance in the GUEIW. The western region has the largest internal gap of the GUEIW. The actual prices of industrial water in all the provinces are much lower than the shadow ones, and appropriate increase in the industrial water price is helpful to raise the GUEIW. Some policy implications are also suggested.

نتیجه گیری

4. Conclusions and policy implications

As the water shortage and industrial water pollution have posed great threat to sustainable water use in China, it is an urgent work to estimate the state of green use efficiency of industrial water (GUEIW), and provide some useful policy recommendations. Based on a global non-radial DDF model,this paper computes the GUEIWs for 30 provinces in China during 2004–2012 as well as its two decomposition indicators (i.e., the ECEIW and the ENEIW). We then compute the shadow prices of industrial water based on the dual model of DDF at the provincial level, and analyze the bias between the actual price and the shadow ones for each province.

The empirical results show that the GUEIW shows several fluctuations over the study period andmost provinces in China have not achieved performed efficiently in industrial water use. The ECEIW is the main contributor of the growth of GUEIW. Thus, the environmental protection in the process of industrial production deserves more attention. The eastern region of China enjoys better performance in the GUEIW and its two decomposition indicators than those in the central and western regions. Regarding the provincial heterogeneity, the provinces in the central region show the least internal gaps in the GUEIW, while those in the western region suffer the largest internal gaps. The shadow prices of industrial water are much higher than the actual ones in allthe provinces, and an appropriate increase of industrial water prices would result in obvious improvement of GUEIW.

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