دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی مدیریت زنجیره تامین پایدار برای مواد معدنی - الزویر 2017

عنوان فارسی
مدیریت زنجیره تامین پایدار برای مواد معدنی
عنوان انگلیسی
Sustainable supply chain management for minerals
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مهندسی صنایع
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
لجستیک و زنجیره تامین
مجله تولید پاک - Journal of Cleaner Production
University of Kassel - Faculty of Business and Economics - Chair of Supply Chain Management - Germany
کلمات کلیدی
مدیریت زنجیره تامین؛ منابع معدنی؛ پایداری؛ بررسی ادبیات؛ تحلیل محتوا؛ تحلیل احتمالی


As inputs to virtually all supply chains (SCs), mineral resources drive the modern economy. However, despite the substantial sustainability impact of the initial stages of mineral SCs, these remain largely outside the scope of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). This paper aims to map the intersection of the literature on sustainability in mineral SCs and SSCM, thus bridging the current gap, and to propose research directions for future work. The paper presents a structured content-analysis based literature review of 67 peer-reviewed, English-language journal papers listed in the Web of Science database. These have been identified via a keyword search for SC-, mineral- and mining-specific terms. The content analysis is based on the work of Beske and Seuring (2014), which is abductively complemented with mineral SC-specific practices to build a comprehensive SSCM for minerals framework. Furthermore a contingency analysis is conducted to reveal association patterns between the used constructs. As main contribution, we propose the addition of a Government interventions category as well as mineral-specific practices to the Risk and Proactivity management categories of the framework. These are identified as essential practices for improving the sustainability in mineral SCs. Moreover, a cascaded mineral SC design is proposed adopting literature based propositions. It complements the traditional downstream buyer-supplier concept in SSCM by adding a second buyer-supplier relationship led by an upstream focal firm for enhanced sustainability management. This design integrates mineral extraction and refinement into a comprehensive SSCM approach and proposes practices for its realization. The resulting approach thus offers the potential for supreme sustainability performance in mineral SCs. Finally, research directions for future studies on this issue are formulated.

نتیجه گیری

6 Conclusion

This review identified a gap in the extant research on sustainability in mineral SCs and SSCM in general. While the former traditionally focuses on the upstream SC, the latter focuses on the downstream part. However, to achieve enhanced sustainability performance — and, thus, competitive advantage — both need to be comprehensively aligned and managed. This paper offers implications for both sides to enable such efforts. Based on the SSCM framework developed by Beske and Seuring (2014), which is applicable to downstream SC, we introduce further practices to tackle the mineral-specific challenges of SCs. Furthermore, an upstream focal firm specifically managing the upstream SC is suggested. This will facilitate SSCM for minerals and enhance its impact on the initial SC stages, which incur the highest sustainability risks in mineral SCs. Moreover, the provided research directions identify future paths for empirical and theoretical developments in pursuit of the further integration of both SC portions — and, thus, the research fields of both sustainability in mineral SCs and SSCM.

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