دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی چگونگی تاثیر کیفیت خدمات بر عملکرد برند دانشگاه، تصویر برند دانشگاه و مفهوم رفتاری - اشپرینگر 2018

عنوان فارسی
چگونگی تاثیر کیفیت خدمات بر عملکرد برند دانشگاه، تصویر برند دانشگاه و مفهوم رفتاری: اثرات رضایت و اعتماد و نقش جنسیت و مطالعه mod
عنوان انگلیسی
How service quality affects university brand performance, university brand image and behavioural intention: the mediating effects of satisfaction and trust and moderating roles of gender and study mod
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
اشپرینگر - Springer
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
نوع مقاله
نوع نگارش
مقالات اصلی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
بازاریابی، مدیریت بازرگانی
مجله مدیریت برند - Journal of Brand Management
School of Business and Law - Central Queensland University - Melbourne - Australia
کلمات کلیدی
کیفیت خدمات، رضایت، اعتماد، عملکرد برند، تصویر برند، قصد رفتاری
doi یا شناسه دیجیتال


University brand (UniBrand) is a recent concept, and its theoretical modelling is still somewhat inadequate. This paper examines how perceived service quality affects UniBrand performance, UniBrand image and behavioural intention. Using an online student survey, the present study obtained 528 usable responses. The conceptual model was validated using structural equation modelling. The study makes an innovative theoretical contribution by establishing a relationship between experience-centric brand performance and brand image, and the antecedents and consequences of this link. In addition, student satisfaction and trust were demonstrated to mediate the relationship between perceived service quality, brand performance, brand image and behavioural intention in a higher education context. However, there were no moderating effects of gender or mode-of-study on the model, confirming that the model is invariant across these variables. Overall, this model suggests the importance of experience-centric service quality attributes and how they affect university branding strategies for sustained positive intentions.

نتیجه گیری

Conclusions, limitations and future research

The aim of this study was to examine how PSQ affects brand performance, brand image and students’ behavioural intentions in a university context. The results demonstrated that the relationship between PSQ and behavioural intentions is mediated by student satisfaction, student trust, UniBrand performance and UniBrand image. This is one of the key theoretical contributions of this study. The results did not indicate any moderating effects of gender or modeof-study in the model.

The study has several limitations. First, the samples were drawn from a single Australian university. Second, the study obtained a low response rate, and thus potentially suffers from non-response bias, which can affect the estimation of parameters. Thus, the findings should not be readily generalised across the university sector. Future research should be cautious about extrapolating the model across the different universities, geographic or cultural contexts, owing to the potential moderating effects of gender, courses of study, study mode, study level, ethnicity/nationality and level of maturity in overall estimation of the model.

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