دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی چارچوب برای انتخاب شیوه های ناب در توسعه محصول پایدار: صنایع کشاورزی برزیل - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
چارچوب برای انتخاب شیوه های ناب در توسعه محصول پایدار: مطالعه موردی یک صنایع کشاورزی برزیل
عنوان انگلیسی
A framework for selecting lean practices in sustainable product development: The case study of a Brazilian agroindustry
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت صنعتی
مجله تولید پاک - Journal of Cleaner Production
Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering - Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
کلمات کلیدی
توسعه محصول جدید؛ توسعه محصول کم سود؛ تمرینات بی حاصل؛ محصول پایدار؛ کشاورزی صنعتی


Literature shows different forms of improving New Product Development performance for sustainable product innovation. To that end, Lean principles are widely disseminated as means for waste elimination, value proposition and continuous improvement in product development. Nevertheless, operationalizing the adoption of such principles requires knowledge regarding the adequate practices for each stage and the typology of the Lean Product Development. The available studies present practices focused on specific Lean practices in product development stages without a systemic vision of the process. This study’s objective is to fill this gap by proposing a framework with tools and practices to be implemented throughout the Lean Product Development and by offering a customizable guide to implement the framework. The tools and practices addressing Lean Product Development were divided into phases, resulting in 17 studies and 42 tools/practices. We applied the proposed framework to the case of a fruit processing agroindustry to sustainably develop an innovative solution (Cationic, Anionic, Hydrophobic Modified Starch in Pre-Gel Form) for fruit preservation and to eliminate waste during the product development process. This study presents techniques and methodologies for the development of solutions for the agroindustrial sector. The development of this product was supported by Lean practices and tools, offering reusable knowledge, which preserved fruits for twice the shelf life. The proposed solution presented a 56-day preservation, which presents a 25% higher yield compared to the current best preserving solution (sulfur dioxide). In addition to eliminating the need to purchase a new equipment, since it comprises a similar process to the already existing ones in the fruit processing.

نتیجه گیری

6. Conclusions

In view of the objectives proposed, we designed a framework with tools and practices throughout the LPD, along with a customizable guideline for the implementation of the Lean principles in the NPD. These guidelines empower the team to select practices according to the project typology based on the Diamond framework. To test the framework, we applied it to a fruit processing company to the development of CAHMSPGF for fruit preservation and waste elimination.

The application of this case demonstrated the application of Lean principles in the PD process. The framework contributed to the application of this improvement project by developing a new product that is similar to the existing one. The physical-chemical and the economic feasibility of the new product were also assessed.

This study contributes to the development of a didactic perspective to the process, assisting in the implementation of the LPD, leveling Lean knowledge and facilitating the learning and the systemic implementation of the Lean tools and practices applicable to the PD process of agroindustries and other fields of the manufacturing industry. In future studies, we intend to disseminate and replicate the knowledge both in agroindustries and in the teaching of Lean practices.

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