دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی مدلسازی تقاضای انعطاف پذیر در سیستم انرژی یکپارچه شده گرما و برق - نشریه IEEE

عنوان فارسی
مدلسازی و ادغام تقاضای انعطاف پذیر در سیستم انرژی یکپارچه شده گرما و برق
عنوان انگلیسی
Modeling and Integration of Flexible Demand in Heat and Electricity Integrated Energy System
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
آی تریپل ای - IEEE
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مهندسی الکترونیک، تولید، انتقال و توزیع
یافته ها در زمینه انرژی پایدار - Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Changzheng Shao College of Electrical Engineering
کلمات کلیدی
گرما و برق ترکیبی (CHP)، تقاضای انعطاف پذیر، خطی سازی، توزیع انرژی یکپارچه


This paper is focused on utilizing customers’ flexible energy demand, including both heat demand and electricity demand, to provide balancing resources and relieve the difficulties of integrating variable wind power with the combined heat and power (CHP). The integration of heat and electricity energy systems providing customers with multiple options for fulfilling their energy demand is described. Customer aggregators are introduced to supply downstream demand in the most economical way. Controlling customers’ energy consumption behaviors enables aggregators to adjust their energy demand in response to supply conditions. Incorporating aggregators’ flexible energy demand into the centralized energy dispatch model, a two-level optimization problem (TLOP) is firstly formed where the system operator maximizes social welfare subject to aggregators’ strategies which minimize the energy purchase cost. Furthermore, the sub-problems are linearized based on several reasonable assumptions. Optimal conditions of the sub-problems are then transformed as energy demands to be described as explicit piecewise-linear functions of electricity prices corresponding to the demand bid curves. In this way, the TLOP is transformed to a standard optimization problem, which requires aggregators to only submit a demand bid to run the centralized energy dispatch program. All the parameters pertaining to the aggregators’ energy consumption models are internalized in the bid curves. The proposed technique is illustrated in a modified testing system. Index Terms—Combined heat and power (CHP), flexible demand, linearization, integrated energy dispatch.

نتیجه گیری


The inharmony between the variable wind power and the wide use of combined heat and power (CHP) has become a significant barrier to the efficient utilization of the wind power. A lot of researches have been conducted on increasing the flexibility of CHP based energy system, from the production and the network sides. This paper investigates the utilization of the customers’ flexible energy demand to provide additional balancing resources and release the inharmony between the variable wind power and the wide use of CHP. We find that the integration of heat and electricity systems provides multiple options to customers for fulfilling their energy demand. The built-in flexibility in customers’ energy demand provides desirable flexible resources for maintaining the balance between energy supply and demand and achieving the efficient utilization of the wind power.

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