دانلود رایگان مقاله عملکرد و ساختار بازار: مطالعه تجربی صنعت سلول خورشیدی چین

عنوان فارسی
عملکرد و ساختار بازار: مطالعه تجربی صنعت سلول خورشیدی چین
عنوان انگلیسی
Market structure and performance: An empirical study of the Chinese solar cell industry
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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اقتصاد پولی
بازبینی و بررسی انرژی پایدار - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Department of Economics and Management
کلمات کلیدی
چين، سلول خورشیدی، ساختار بازار، عملکرد صنعتی


Based on an analysis of 9 solar cell enterprises from 2008 to 2014, this paper examined the Chinese solar cell industry's market structure and performance. The empirical results reveal that China's photovoltaic (PV) cell market supports the X-efficiency structure hypothesis and that enterprises with higher levels of production technology and management earn higher profits. However, market concentration, market share, and scale efficiency are not significantly related to corporate performance. In addition, reasonable and effective control of the debt-to-assets ratio of such enterprises is conducive to revenue improvement. Based on these conclusions, this paper offers suggestions on how to improve the performance of the PV cell industry from the perspectives of enterprise and government. The research results have substantial significance for the promotion of enterprise reform and the optimization of industrial resource allocation.

نتیجه گیری

To improve the performance of Chinese PV cell enterprises, we propose the following recommendations: First, the enterprises should establish a sound corporate governance structure, rationally allocate resources, tap their own internal potential, and improve staff and management quality. Second, the enterprises should emphasize technological innovation, basic research, and development capabilities as well as adopt advanced PV cell technology and improve product quality and competitiveness. In this manner, they can enhance their market share and market power. In addition, the enterprises can improve their efficiency and performance by acquiring small businesses, expanding their business scale, and achieving economies of scale and scope. Regarding the government, the development of the PV industry should be encouraged, and PV cell enterprises should be supported in improving their market share and enhancing their market competitiveness through mergers and acquisitions. Implementing the government's development plan for the PV industry can provide a strong economic and policy environment for the development of the PV cell industry, in which large-scale enterprises with strong overall competitiveness can be fostered. In addition, while encouraging the development of PV cell enterprises and actively introducing foreign capital, the government should emphasize the regulation of non-regulated competitive behaviours. Although a monopoly caused by excessively high market concentration will reduce market performance, competition that is too fierce will also reduce performance. Thus, the government should pay attention to regulation to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the PV cell industry.

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