دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی پیاده سازی ناب در شرکت های تولیدی در عربستان سعودی - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
پیاده سازی ناب در شرکت های تولیدی در عربستان سعودی: جنبه های فرهنگ سازمانی
عنوان انگلیسی
Lean implementation within manufacturing SMEs in Saudi Arabia: Organizational culture aspects
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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مدیریت استراتژیک
مجله دانشگاه شاه سعود - علوم مهندسی - Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences
Cranfield University - United Kingdom
کلمات کلیدی
فرهنگ سازماني (OC)؛ پیاده سازی ناب (LI)؛ شرکت های کوچک و متوسط (SME)؛ پادشاه عربستان سعودی (KSA)؛ تئوری اصولی

There is a scarcity of research about cultural aspects and organizational culture related to Lean Implementation (LI) (Pakdil and Leonard 2015). The purpose if this paper divided into four stages. First, to identified the influences aspects of Lean Implementation (LI). Second, aggregate the aspects into themes. Third, gauging current perception of participants against the themes. Finally, identified a culture position that manufacturing SMEs should aspire to the most effective Lean Implementation (LI). In order to addressing the need for Organizational Culture (OC) to better facilitate Lean and propel its success among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Saudi Arabia as a case, grounded theory, action research and an inductive approach has been selected. Due to the nature of the topic requiring the exploration of culture, it is beneficial to utilise qualitative research which is provided by grounded theory that has been adopted. Thus, adhering to the grounded theory process utilising an issue focused approach, (Sackmann, 1991). twenty-nine semi-structured interviews and two focus-groups were chosen to conduct this exploratory study and a questionnaire which has been derived from the second focus group to gauge the OC themes within the SMEs, A total of 71 responses were returned. A literature review to identified the ideal position for the themes. An inter-rate reliability to validate data. The finding of the semi-structured interviews were 37 aspects that influences the implementation of Lean in manufacturing SMEs within Saudi Arabia. In addition, the 37 aspects were aggregate into 7 themes in the first focus group. Moreover, the result form questionnaire indicates many issues that were identified, all the results were in the dissatisfaction area. The lowest scoring theme was change management and behaviour patterns. This paper contributes to the ideal position were the manufacturing SMEs where it should be to aspire the most effective Lean.

نتیجه گیری

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, the paper aims to identify aspects of LI in SMEs in the Saudi Arabia. It proposes aspects of social transformation process and how the aspects are affected by OC. The paper opted for an exploratory study using semi-structure interviews, focus groups and observation approaches of grounded theory and action research. 29 in-depth interviews with employees ranging in terms of their position in the organizations, having mainly an experience of the LI background. The data was complemented by context analysis, including simultaneous and concurrent data collection and constant comparison methods. The paper provides empirical insights about how change is brought about during implementing Lean. However, there were four aspects which have not been evidenced in prior research and were not identified in the literature review. These include; Research and Development (R&D), emphasis on individual contributions, socialisation of staff and obligatory work. 37 aspects have been identified from semi-structured interviews. All these aspects have been aggregated through focus groups to 7 main themes. This paper fulfils an identified need to study how the OC affects LI. It contributes to the current state of LI in manufacturing companies by uncovering the correlation between enablers and inhibitors of OC in Saudi Arabia.an questionnaire has been undertaken and provide a low result of perception of participants agents the ideal position. an ideal position where the manufacturing SMEs should be maintained. Yet, this paper has certain limitation. It was constrained to Saudi Arabia’s manufacturing SMEs. Further research will be shaped by identified an intervention to enhance the themes to be in the desired ideal position. Following the interventions being developed, a framework will be developed to facilitate Lean implementation in manufacturing SMEs by leveraging Organizational culture. This study has not covered all the manufacturing sectors within the Saudi Arabia context, and it is important to apply it to sectors such as food and beverages; textiles, clothing and leather; wood and wood products; furniture, etc. Increasing the sample size would be another avenue by which to provide more accurate results in the future. Future research is needed to develop a framework to facilitate lean implementation by leveraging aspects of organizational culture for SMEs manufacturing sector.

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