دانلود رایگان مقاله چگونه یارانه های دولتی منجر به توسعه پایدار انرژی زیستی می شود

عنوان فارسی
چگونه یارانه های دولتی منجر به توسعه پایدار انرژی زیستی می شود
عنوان انگلیسی
How government subsidy leads to sustainable bioenergy development
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت، اقتصاد
پیش بینی فنی و تغییر اجتماعی - Technological Forecasting & Social Change
دانشگاه مالی و اقتصاد جیانگشی، چین
کلمات کلیدی
کاهش انتشار، تولید اتانول، پیرولیز، هزینه اجتماعی


Sustainable development requires energy source stability and environmental maintenance. Over-exploitation and the intensive use of nonrenewable fossil fuels thus eventually hamper the development of human society. Bioenergy is one solution to this problem. This study formulates a price endogenous, partial equilibrium mathematical model to simulate the economic and environmental effects of bioenergy development in Jiangxi province, China. The result indicates that the farmers' revenue primarily originates from energy sales, government subsidies and emission reduction. An inappropriate subsidy amount will result in inefficient resource allocation; in addition, the marginal benefit from bioenergy production is fairly small. The result also shows that the joint production of bio-electricity and ethanol could be a better choice if climate change mitigation is considered.

نتیجه گیری

5. Conclusion

Bioenergy is considered as an effective approach to provide sustainable energy sources and mitigate climate change. This study formulates a price endogenous, partial equilibrium model to examine the potential economic and environmental effects of bioenergy production in Jiangxi province. The results show that pure ethanol technology can replace approximately 400.8 million l gasoline but does not contribute much to climate change mitigation. Instead, joint production patterns can provide a significant quantity of emissions reduction and bioenergy production with a lower ethanol production. The total government expenditure is, in general, higher for joint production scenarios; however, the farmer revenue is also higher. However, the development of bioenergy can involve complicated issues such as electricity price volatility, landuse shift and appropriate subsidy design. In addition, to avoid the high cost from homogenous subsidy, a discriminated form of subsidy may be designed. That is, if the government can distinguish the land fertility (i.e. input–output ratio), net social cost can be reduced because the less fertile land will receive lower subsidies. Economic and environmental benefits are one side of the bioenergy development and thus require a more comprehensive analysis to better access its net influences and impacts in other sectors.

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