دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی یک مطالعه تجربی در ارتباط بین احساسات مصرفی و وفاداری برند - تیلور و فرانسیس 2018

عنوان فارسی
یک مطالعه تجربی در ارتباط بین احساسات مصرفی و وفاداری برند
عنوان انگلیسی
An empirical study on the relationship between consumption emotions and brand loyalty
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
تیلور و فرانسیس
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت کسب و کار و بازاریابی
مجله چینی ارتباطات - Chinese Journal of Communication
School of Economics and Management - Southwest Jiaotong University - Chengdu - China
کلمات کلیدی
ارتباطات بازاریابی؛ احساسات مصرفی؛ اعتماد به برند؛ تاثیر برند؛ وفاداری برند

Consumption emotions play a crucial role in consumers’ post-purchase behaviors. Evoked by potentially controllable factors related to marketers, consumption emotions fall into a two-by-two matrix: attribute-level emotions (ALE) and beyond attribute-level emotions (BALE) with positive or negative latencies. ALE is related to product, and BALE is related to marketing communication. The authors hypothesized a model of consumption emotions in relation to brand trust, brand affect, and brand loyalty in product consumption. The study tested the model by using a sample of 398 college students and applying structural equation modeling. The results supported most the hypotheses, suggesting indirect effects of the four major types of consumption emotions on brand loyalty via brand affect. Furthermore, the study revealed the direct effects of positive or negative emotions at the attribute level. The positive emotions on brand trust were induced by marketing communication, which in turn led to higher levels of brand loyalty. Nevertheless, the effect of negative emotions on brand trust was non-significant.



Theoretical contribution

The purpose of this study was to explore the potential relationship between consumption emotions induced by ALE, BALE, and brand trust, brand affect, and brand loyalty in product consumption. Previous research on the relationship between consumption emotions and post-purchase behaviors was focused on factors that were controllable by marketers, including product attributes, service, and store environment. However, the potential effects of other controllable factors, such as marketing communication, on consumption emotions remained unclear. Therefore, this study was aimed to broaden the understanding of emotions induced by product consumption. The study classified consumption emotions into ALE and BALE based on difference causes. ALE refers to consumption emotions induced by product attributes. BALE refers to consumption emotions that are induced by marketing communication, including advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. The findings of this study revealed that marketing communication could also induce consumption emotions and consequently affect post-purchase behaviors. The causes of these beyond attribute-level emotions, or BALE, could be the specific characteristics of advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. Based on the structural model, ALE showed direct effects on both brand trust and brand affect. Among them, ALEP showed positive effect on both mediating variables, and ALEN showed negative effect on both mediating variables. Furthermore, ALEN showed a greater effect than ALEP did on brand trust. These results may confirm the famous “loss aversion behavior” as suggested in prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). Consumers tend to present a greater response to negative emotions than to positive emotions. However, the effects of ALEP and ALEN on brand affect were not significantly different.

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