دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی جایگزینی نیروی الکتریکی برای زغال سنگ در چین: تحلیل SWOT - نشریه الزویر

عنوان فارسی
جایگزینی نیروی الکتریکی برای زغال سنگ در چین: وضعیت موجود و تجزیه و تحلیل SWOT
عنوان انگلیسی
Electric power substitution for coal in China: Status quo and SWOT analysis
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
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مدیریت استراتژیک
بازبینی و بررسی انرژی پایدار - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
School of Economics and Management
کلمات کلیدی
چين، زغال سنگ، جایگزینی نیروی الکتریکی، SWOT


In 2013, “haze-fog” became an annual buzzword in China; this “haze-fog” is primarily attributed to coal combustion. If coal continues to be used as it has been previously, China will suffer as a result of air pollution. Different from coal, electricity is a highly efficient energy source with no pollution emissions. Electric power substitution (EPS) for coal can reduce air pollution and transmit electricity to a load intensive area by an ultrahigh voltage transmission project that can promote renewable energy accommodations in remote areas. However, EPS was proposed in 2013 and is still in the initial stage. The present paper studies the relationship between coal and haze-fog, proposes an EPS action mechanism, and summarizes the EPS market and policies. A SWOT model has proved to be an efficient tool to analyze the internal and external competitiveness of a system. Therefore, to fully study the current development status of electric power substitution in China, this paper adopts a SWOT model to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of EPS. The conclusion is drawn that EPS is a good substitution for coal, but increased interest and use of EPS in China still needs support, including energy price marketization, electricity price subsidy, UHV optimization, clean coal technology innovation, and so on. This research can promote optimization in the energy structure and provides policy makers with good references and a clear direction in EPS development.

نتیجه گیری

4. Discussion and conclusions

4.1. Discussion

Although renewable energy sources have made significant progress in recent years in China, renewable energy faces a variety of bottlenecks and questions in connecting to the power grid because of the intermittences of wind power and solar energy. The relief that renewable energy can provide to the tense situation of China's energy supply and the role of renewable energy in adjusting the energy structure are limited [99,100]. Therefore, in the short term, coal will be still the main fuel used in China. EPS in the present paper is defined as a substitute for coal with three main aspects: clean electricity generation, UHV development and decentralized coal reduction. EPS can promote the construction of UHV, impelling the accommodation of wind and solar power in remote areas of China. EPS can optimize the energy structure, simultaneously promoting the utilization of renewable energies and extending the market of renewable energies. EPS can optimize the consumption structure of coal and be an effective tool to reduce air pollution and impel the development of renewable energy.

According to the SWOT analysis above, although few weaknesses and threats of EPS exist in the present stage, the strengths and opportunities impel the development of EPS. Therefore, the present paper insists that EPS is a good substitute for coal. However, the advent of EPS in China needs the support of policy, technology, market, humanity, finance and many other internal and external factors. This paper gives some support measures that are listed below:

4.1.1. Rationalize energy price

At the present stage, the converted unit price of electricity is higher than those of LNP and natural gas, resulting in an inferior economic benefit. Energy price marketization reformation can make electricity price competitiveness stand out from those of other energies, and it is a long-term endeavor that needs to be met.

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