دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی اثر نوسانات درآمد بر توزیع درآمد: داده دولتی در ایالات متحده - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
اثر نوسانات درآمد بر توزیع درآمد: شواهد نامتقارن از داده های سطح دولتی در ایالات متحده
عنوان انگلیسی
On the Effects of Income Volatility on Income Distribution: Asymmetric Evidence from State Level Data in the U.S.
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
اقتصاد پولی
تحقیق در اقتصاد - Research in Economics
The Center for Research on International Economics and Department of Economics - The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
کلمات کلیدی
توزیع درآمد، نوسانات درآمد، نامتقارن، داده های سطح دولتی، ایالت متحده


A previous study that tried to assess the impact of income volatility on income inequality in the U.S. used state level data and a balanced panel model to conclude that increased volatility worsens income distribution in the U.S., which implies that decreased volatility should reduce inequality. We use the same data set that is extended by nine years and revisit the issue using linear and nonlinear ARDL time-series models to show that the above conclusion does not hold in every state. While we discover short-run asymmetric effects of income volatility on a measure of inequality in most states, they translate to long-run asymmetric effects only in 16 states. Both increased volatility and decreased volatility are found to have unequalizing effects on income distribution in these states.

نتیجه گیری

IV. Summary and Conclusion

In 1955 Kuznets (1955) identified the level of income or economic activity as the main determinant of income inequality. He asserted that at the early stages of development, income inequality gets worse and once labor migrates from rural to urban areas, it gets better. Since the pattern of movement of inequality over time resembles an inverted-U shape, it is known as the inverted-U hypothesis. Unfortunately, it has been a challenge for many researchers to verify the hypothesis empirically. Instead, what has been easy to verify in the literature is the unequalizing effect volatility of income or output. It has been argued that since income volatility introduces uncertainty into the economy, it redistributes income from workers to owners of capital or from poor to rich.

Previous research has tested and mostly verified unequalizing effects of income volatility on income distribution by using either cross-sectional data or panel that that is pooled from many countries over certain time period. One panel study has used a balanced panel data from 48 states of the continental U.S. from 1945 t0 2004 and concluded that in the U.S. income volatility worsens income inequality. The data in this study which comes from Frank (2009) has now been extended till 2013, yielding 69 time-series observations for each state. This allows us to introduce the first time-series study on the impact of income volatility on income distribution. Furthermore, our time-series approach removes the so called aggregation bias from the mentioned panel study. In other word, the conclusion that in the U.S. income volatility has worsened income inequality may hold in some states but not in all states.

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