دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی افزایش یادگیری سازمانی توسط الگوهای مختلف ارتباط افراد در یک سازمان - اشپرینگر 2017

عنوان فارسی
چگونه الگوهای مختلف ارتباط افراد در یک سازمان می توانند یادگیری سازمانی را افزایش دهند
عنوان انگلیسی
How different connectivity patterns of individuals within an organization can speed up organizational learning
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
اشپرینگر - Springer
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت منابع انسانی، مدیریت دانش
ابزارهای چندرسانه ای و برنامه های کاربردی - Multimedia Tools and Applications
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Dongguk University - Seoul - South Korea
کلمات کلیدی
سیستم مدیریت دانش، اشتراک دانش، اقدامات متمرکز، توپولوژی شبکه ارتباطی غیر رسمی، یادگیری سازمانی، مدل سازی مبتنی بر عامل


Knowledge sharing within a cooperative organization is an important issue since the power of its outcome has been the principal source of competitive advantage over the competitors in the market. However, without a proper collective knowledge management, its utilization as a strategic weapon or competitive advantage becomes difficult and inefficient. From an organizational perspective, the most important aspect of knowledge management is to transfer knowledge. In this regards, organizations must adopt structures that allow them to create and transfer more knowledge. Organizational communication structure affects the nature of human interactions and information flow which in its own turn can lead to a competitive advantage in the knowledge economy. However, in addition to that, social relationships between individuals in an organization can also be utilized to produce positive returns. In this article we emphasize the role of individual structural importance within an organizational informal communication structure as a mechanism for knowledge flow and speeding up organizational learning. Our experimental results indicate the fact that structural position of individuals within their informal communication networks can help the network members to have a better access to ongoing information exchange processes in the organization. The results of our analyses also show that organizational learning through an informal communication network of people in the form of scale-free connectivity pattern is faster comparing to the small-world connectivity style.

نتیجه گیری

6 Conclusions and discussion

The knowledge itself is not the source of competitive advantage for the organization, rather organizational power lies in its use. The goal of knowledge use is to activate the relevant knowledge in order to create value for the organization, because the organizational knowledge should be embedded and employed in new products, services and processes. Distribution and transfer of knowledge is an important part in the knowledge management process. Obtained knowledge within the organization should be generalized and be available to the others through social interactions.

We argued that the social relationships between individuals in an organization can be utilized to produce positive returns. Therefore, we emphasize the role of individual structural importance within an organizational informal communication structure as a mechanism for knowledge flow and increasing the organizational learning performance. Individual structural importance can be considered as a strategic or expert type of knowledge transfer for communication between the individuals within an organization in the sense that such a configuration by reducing the independence of the individuals and increasing the scale of behavior facilitate and speed up collective learning. The results of our analyses show that organizational learning through an informal communication network of people in the form of scale-free connectivity pattern is faster comparing to the small-world connectivity style. Therefore, a more flexible structure among the individuals within an organization allows the existence of hubs and lateral connections and consequently organizational learning performance can be increased.

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