دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی یک دیدگاه طراحی تفکر در توسعه قابلیت: مورد توسعه محصول جدید برای یک مدل کسب و کار خدماتی - امرالد 2017

عنوان فارسی
یک دیدگاه طراحی تفکر در توسعه قابلیت: مورد توسعه محصول جدید برای یک مدل کسب و کار خدماتی
عنوان انگلیسی
A design-thinking perspective on capability development: The case of new product development for a service business model
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
امرالد - Emerald
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت کسب و کار
مجله بین المللی مدیریت عملیات و تولید - International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Operations and Information Management Department - Aston Business School - Birmingham - UK
کلمات کلیدی
توسعه محصول جدید، Servitization، طراحی خدمات، نوآوری مدل کسب و کار، تفکر طراحی، قابلیت طراحی


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the interaction between new product development (NPD) capabilities and business model innovation (BMI) by studying the adaptation of capabilities in a manufacturing firm as it adopts a service business model. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth case study is used to identify design capabilities and document how these have been developed as the firm has adapted its NPD processes to the needs of its service business model. Findings – Design capabilities are proposed as a facilitator of servitization, allowing a manufacturing firm to develop service offerings that build on resources such as knowledge and experience. Conversely, the scope of servitization is restricted by the extent to which these design capabilities can be updated to suit the demands of a new business model. Practical implications – Servitization is presented as an imperative for manufacturing firms, yet research has not addressed the implications for NPD nor investigated how BMI affects NPD capabilities. This study shows the need to identify whether current NPD processes help or hinder BMI and proposes how managers can adapt NPD processes to a new business model. Originality/value – A three-stage process is identified for adapting NPD processes – as BMI changes the nature of products and services required, existing processes are supplemented by design activities requiring expert knowledge, these are subsequently refined into design methods that can be incorporated into the NPD process, and eventually design tools allow automation and efficiency.


6. Discussion

Viewed strategically, servitization is a radical BMI that substitutes services in place of products (Cusumano et al., 2015). From an operational perspective, as seen by examining NPD, the changes are subtler. NPD in Eng. Co. is a two-stage process, whereby products are developed to meet Sys Co.’s specifications and then customised for individual customers using Sys Co.’s products. For those involved in the first stage, servitization has little perceived impact. This is arguably because the process has been subtly updated, owing to the separation and incremental development of design capabilities. This is evident, for example, when interviewees describe “keep out zones” for maintenance purposes, which they design around a small change that avoids disrupting their normal activity.

The second stage, meanwhile, involves what Cusumano et al. (2015) describe as adapting services, whereby products are customised for individual customers, including the adaptation of the supply network, and smoothing services, where analysis of customer data allows increased service provision. Both of these rely on the firm’s NPD capabilities, but also demand that such capabilities are updated, for example, using customer data and engineering expertise to adapt products and smooth their purchase. As Ulaga and Reinartz (2011) argue, it is inconceivable that a pure service firm, lacking a track record with similar products or an NPD process to create them, could compete. These services are knowledge intensive, customer focused and require integration across organisational and geographic boundaries (Zhang et al., 2016).

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