دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی پیش بینی رفتار مصرف کننده مالزیایی در پذیرش PHEVs - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
چه مصرف کننده ای به PHEVs وارد می شود؟ پیش بینی رفتار مصرف کننده مالزیایی در پذیرش PHEVs
عنوان انگلیسی
What make consumer sign up to PHEVs? Predicting Malaysian consumer behavior in adoption of PHEVs
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
بازاریابی، مدیریت عملکرد
تحقیقات حمل و نقل بخش اول - Transportation Research Part A
Department of Management and Humanities - Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS - Perak - Malaysia
کلمات کلیدی
رفتار مصرف کننده، پذیرش، PHEV، اهمیت محیط زیست، تخفیف Hyperbolic، مطالعه تجربی


Malaysia is amongst the major energy intense countries and is under an excessive burden to advance its energy efficiency and to also work towards the reduction of its carbon emission. Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) have the potential to lessen the carbon emission and gasoline consumption in order to alleviate environmental problems. Consequently, attempts are being initiated to popularise the use of PHEVs as the main mode of transportation. The diffusion of PHEV adoption is a positive initiative. A sample of 403 respondents has been collected from Malaysia in order to forecast the customer’s intention to adopt PHEVs by using the extended theory of planned behaviour. The empirical outcome using the PLS investigation exposed that all four constructs, subjective norm, personal moral norm, perceived behavioural control, and attitude ominously shows an indirect effect which has inclined towards the Malaysian consumers’ intention to adopt PHEVs. All these four major constructs were significantly predetermined by their respective environmental concern. Whereas, hyperbolic discounting moderated the relationship between intention and adoption. The fostering result verifies that the relevance of the extended TPB had a good explanatory power in the line of predicting the Malaysian consumers’ intention to adopt PHEVs. For future study, grounded by the observed outcome, authors explain the implication aimed at promoting the PHEV adoption.

نتیجه گیری

7. Conclusions

This research study has given a comprehensive idea of the literature concerning the factors influencing the adoption of PHEVs. Grounded on the delivered literature, authors found that this study bridges the gap and forecasts the studies based on the PHEV penetration rates of the consumer behaviour towards PHEV adoption. Especially in the Malaysian transportation sector, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions being kept in view, the PHEV has been considered as the best alternative. For this, a set of scenarios that suit most of the today’s market conditions were assumed in order to develop the major modelling techniques used in the literature on PHEV marketplace forecasting. Ours is the first study to examine and confirm the moderating role of Hyperbolic discounting amongst Malaysian consumers in adopting PHEVs.

The research for the extended TPB model based on Kang et al.'s study (2006) was used to find consumers’ intentions towards the adoption of PHEVs. Authors have also observed from the past literature about the consumers’ moral norms and progressive signs towards the intention towards adoption. However, based on the comparison carried out by past researchers (Arts, Frambach, and Bijmolt, 2011; Kaiser, Doka, Hofstetter, and Ranney, 2003; Kaiser, Oerke, and Bogner, 2007; Long, Grow, Majoris, and Hines, 2011), it is quite clear that the addition of the personal moral norms has upgraded the explained variance, which was less than the expected one. In this research, the impact of personal moral norms was the minimum compared to the measured values in the international studies. In Malaysia, the main reason was that communalism is leading on numerous sides of day-to-day life, which is not really very effective (Furnham and Gunter, 2015; Furnham and Telford, 2012) and arguments lead to societal stress amongst consumers and this expresses a vital role towards changing consumer behaviour. The influence of SN leads to individual moral norms. Moreover, the effect of eco-friendly concerns on the components of the extended TPB structure as well as the intention towards the PHEV adoption is further explained by the researchers mentioned above. As an associated impact, the investigation shows a bright understanding on the specific theme of the adoption of the PHEV where hyperbolic discounting plays an important role in our research of environmental sustainability.

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