دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی مشارکت مصرف کننده در جوامع برند آنلاین - امرالد 2017

عنوان فارسی
مشارکت مصرف کننده در جوامع برند آنلاین: درخواست نظریه تجانس
عنوان انگلیسی
Consumer engagement in online brand communities: a solicitation of congruity theory
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
امرالد - Emerald
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
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بازاریابی و مدیریت بازرگانی
تحقیق اینترنتی - Internet Research
Department of Management Studies - Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee - Roorkee - India
کلمات کلیدی
مشارکت مصرف کننده، جوامع برند آنلاین، نظریه تجانس، سازگاری تصویر با سلف برند، همپوشانی ارزش، وفاداری نام تجاری


Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of self-brand image congruity and value congruity on consumer engagement in online brand communities (OBCs). A secondary purpose of this paper is to test whether gender moderates this relationship. Third, this study also examines the role of consumer engagement as a driver of brand loyalty. Design/methodology/approach - Using an online questionnaire, 443 responses were collected from consumers who are members of at least one OBC on Facebook. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. Findings - The results revealed that both self-brand image congruity and value congruity significantly affect consumer engagement. A positive effect of consumer engagement on brand loyalty was also observed. Third, the results revealed that gender did not moderate the examined relationships. Practical implications - This research integrates and broadens existing explanations of different congruity effects on consumer engagement. This study thus suggests the value of developing their online brand communities to exhibit congruence with customers’ self-image and value, which in turn, will contribute to the development of brand loyalty. Originality/value - This research applies congruity theory to examine the impact of self-brand image- and value congruity on consumer engagement in online brand communities. Through the establishment of this novel theoretical link, this study furthers insight into the domain of social media marketing.

محدودیت ها و کارهای آینده

6. Limitations and future

research Despite the stated contributions, this study has a number of limitations that offer scope for further research. First, the study context is limited to a single (Indian) cultural and economic context; thus a cross-cultural study could be conducted that empirically examines the effect of culture on consumer engagement (Hollebeek, 2017). Second, this study is cross-sectional in nature, conducted at a particular point in time. However, given the dynamic nature of consumer engagement, the undertaking of longitudinal research is recommended to further explore the development of OBC-based consumer engagement over time (Viswanathan et al., 2017). Third, this study is limited to Facebook-based OBCs; thus little is known about the observed dynamics on other social networking sites (e.g. Twitter, etc.). For example, LinkedIn’s more utilitarian nature may reveal differing findings to those attained for the Facebook community studied. Fourth, this study can be extended in specific industry- (e.g. consumer electronics, fashion, etc.), or brand-related (e.g. service, B2B or luxury brand-based) OBC contexts, to confirm this study’s external validity. Fifth, given the need for further insight into consumer engagement’s role within the broader nomological network, future research may wish to consider incorporating different constructs into particular empirical models, including brand experience, commitment, trust, etc. (Brodie et al., 2011). Sixth, this study was conducted in a collectivist culture. Future research may thus wish to explore the conceptual model in differing cultural settings, including more individualistic cultures (Hollebeek, 2017). Finally, alternate theoretical frames (other than congruity theory) may be applied to consumer engagement in OBCs, including resource exchange theory, social practice theory and social penetration theory, which may provide unique findings that can be compared and contrasted to those attained in this study.

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