دانلود رایگان مقاله منابع بهینه تامین کنندگان ظرفیت دار متناوب با ساختار هزینه عمومی

عنوان فارسی
منابع بهینه از تامین کنندگان ظرفیت دار متناوب با ساختار هزینه های عمومی
عنوان انگلیسی
Optimal sourcing from alternative capacitated suppliers with general cost structures
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
مجله امگا – Omega
دانشکده مهندسی صنایع، دانشگاه صنعتی ایلندوهن، هلند
کلمات کلیدی
مدیریت عملیات، کنترل موجودی، زنجیره ارزش، منابع، تدارکات


Most manufacturers or retailers must procure items or services necessary for their businesses, in anenvironment that typically includes a number of competing suppliers with varying cost structures, priceschemes, and capacities. In this paper, we consider the sourcing problem in which the buyer determinesthe sources that should be utilized and to what extent, in turn, dictating the total quantity available forthe buyer to sell/utilize, subject to stochastic demand/requirement. Our approach advocates not todetermine the quantity to be sourced a priori. We allow for capacitated sources and any cost structure inwhichfixed costs and quantity discounts are special cases. Some simpler versions of this problem areshown to be NP-hard in the literature. By proving that the order of the sources is irrelevant for theoptimal solution, we devise a dynamic programming model with pseudo-polynomial complexity tosolve the multiple supplier sourcing problem to optimality. We propose two extensions: one limits thenumber of suppliers, and the other allows multi-period sourcing.

نتیجه گیری
5. Conclusions

In this paper, we consider the sourcing decisions of a retailer or amanufacturer for a particular product or service. There are basicallytwo decisions: determining the quantity to be procured and selectingthe suppliers to procure from. In this study, we develop a unifiedapproach that combines these two decisions. We allow for stochasticdemand and capacitated production facilities. Our modeling approachis capable of handling sourcing problems in a wide range of environ-ments, as we do not impose restrictions on the relevant costcomponents. The procurement problem and its several variations areproven to be NP-hard in the literature, however, we develop adynamic programming model with a state definition, which makesthe solution algorithm pseudo-polynomial. We achieve this by provingthat the order of the sources is irrelevant for the optimal solution. Asthis property is inherent in the dynamic programming logic that wepropose, the possible extensions of the basic model also possess thesame property and remain efficient. We have modeled two suchextensions: one limiting the number of suppliers, the other allowingmulti-period sourcing.

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