دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی تست برند متقابل و اعتبار متقابل بازار یک مدل برند مبتنی بر مصرف کننده (CBBE) برای برندهای مقصد - الزویر 2018

عنوان فارسی
تست برند متقابل و اعتبار متقابل بازار یک مدل برند مبتنی بر مصرف کننده (CBBE) برای برندهای مقصد
عنوان انگلیسی
Testing the cross-brand and cross-market validity of a consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) model for destination brands
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
الزویر - Elsevier
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
کد محصول
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت گردشگری - Tourism Management
Rosen College of Hospitality Management - University of Central Florida - Universal Boulevard - USA
کلمات کلیدی
ارزش برند مبتنی بر مصرف کننده، ارزش برند مبتنی بر مشتری، وفاداری، کیفیت، تصویر، ارزش، رضایت، تحلیل مسیر


Different studies on consumer/customer-based brand equity (CBBE), have revealed varying pictures of components and divergent relationships. The current study analyzed a large dataset with path analysis to test: 1) the validity of a general CBBE model (familiarity, image, quality, brand value, consumer value, and loyalty); 2) the validity of a customer model (þsatisfaction) using data for a single destination brand; 3) the cross-brand validity of the general model for five U.S. destination brands; and 4) the cross-market validity of both models for different segments based on nationality, gender, and past visitation. The results revealed that familiarity and image were the two most prominent components explaining loyalty in both models, although both consumer value and brand value also had some mediating effects on loyalty. The model was variant for different destinations, variant for different nationalities, partially variant for different genders, and invariant for visitors and non-visitors of one destination brand.


5. Discussion and implications

This study aimed to test the validity of a CBBE model (adapted from Tasci, 2016a) for destination brands by applying a path analysis to data gathered from a large online sample using single-item 10-point scales to measure CBBE components for five popular U.S. cities, NY City, Miami, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Tampa, in addition to each respondent's favorite city. The general CBBE (for consumers, including visitors and non-visitors) included familiarity, image, quality, consumer value (or perceived value), brand value (or perceived price premium), and loyalty. These six components were also included in the CBBE for customers, with the addition of satisfaction, tested by respondents who visited one of the destination brands, Orlando. In addition to the validity of the consumerand customer-based brand equity models, the cross-brand validity of the consumer model for different cities, and the cross-market validity of the consumer model (for visitorsenon-visitors, malesefemales, U.S.eother nationalities) and the customer model (for males-females) were also tested.

5.1. General CBBE structure

The test of the initial model revealed unacceptable fit to the data. After removing the quality component due to its high correlation with image and re-specifying the model with additional paths between components, the model fit improved to an acceptable level. The results of this new model supported only five of the original seven (H1-7) hypotheses defined at the onset of the study. In other words, the results indicated that familiarity has a positive influence on image, image has a positive influence on perception of price premiums and perceived value for money, perceived price premium has a positive influence on consumer value, and consumer value has a positive influence on consumer loyalty. In addition to these anticipated relationships, new relationships also emerged: familiarity influences consumer value and loyalty, and image influences loyalty. These relationships explained only approximately half of loyalty, indicating that there are additional factors that potentially explain the other half of loyalty.

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