دانلود رایگان مقاله انگلیسی تأثیر جو سازمانی بر تعهد و عملکرد سازمانی درک شده در بیمارستان دولتی - اشپرینگر 2018

عنوان فارسی
تأثیر جو سازمانی بر تعهد سازمانی و عملکرد سازمانی درک شده: شواهد تجربی از بیمارستان های عمومی
عنوان انگلیسی
Impact of organizational climate on organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance: empirical evidence from public hospitals
صفحات مقاله فارسی
صفحات مقاله انگلیسی
سال انتشار
فرمت مقاله انگلیسی
اشپرینگر - Springer
کد محصول
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences - Cyprus International University - Nicosia - Cyprus
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله
کلمات کلیدی
بیمارستان های عمومی، عملکرد سازمانی، جو، تعهد، مدیریت، شمال قبرس
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله
مدیریت منابع انسانی، مدیریت عملکرد
تحقیقات خدمات بهداشتی - BMC Health Services Research



Background: Extant literature suggested that positive organizational climate leads to higher levels of organizational commitment, which is an important concept in terms of employee attitudes, likewise, the concept of perceived organizational performance, which can be assumed as a mirror of the actual performance. For healthcare settings, these are important matters to consider due to the fact that the service is delivered thoroughly by healthcare workers to the patients. Therefore, attitudes and perceptions of the employees can influence how they deliver the service. The aim of this study was to evaluate healthcare employees’ perceptions of organizational climate and test the hypothesized impact of organizational climate on organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. Methods: The study adopted a quantitative approach, by collecting data from the healthcare workers currently employed in public hospitals in North Cyprus, utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences, and ANOVA and Linear Regression analyses were used to test the hypothesis. Results: Results revealed that organizational climate is highly correlated with organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. Simple linear regression outcomes indicated that organizational climate is significant in predicting organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. Conclusions: There was a positive and linear relationship between organizational climate with organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. Results from the regression analysis suggested that organizational climate has an impact on predicting organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance of the employees in public hospitals of North Cyprus. Organizational climate was found to be statistically significant in determining the organizational commitment of the employees. The results of the study provided some critical issues regarding the relationship of three concepts in the study. According to the findings, if the organizational climate scores of the employees are high, organizational commitment scores of the employees are high at the same time. In other words, if the employees in public hospitals of North Cyprus perceive the organizational climate in a positive way, they will have higher levels of organizational commitment. Findings suggested that organizational climate is an important factor in healthcare settings in terms of employee commitment and how employees perceive organizational performance, which would lead to significant results about the provision of service in healthcare organizations.

نتیجه گیری



Firstly, it is important to create an environment of trust involving good relationships with supervisors to contribute to the organizational commitment of the employees and improve their perception of organizational performance. Employees should be openly communicating with their supervisors and receiving feedback and support when needed. In addition, adopting work teams can improve the work environment by constituting a warm and cooperating atmosphere while reducing the conflict. Continuously, autonomy is another important aspect where employees take full responsibility of their jobs and can take initiatives. At this point, practicing in participative management will be useful for the decision makers so that they share the authority with the employees allowing them to take more responsibilities, which will contribute, to their commitment and perceptions.


Secondly, the perception of employees on equality and fairness in distribution of rewards is also crucial. Managers should offer rewards to their employees and at the same time watch over the distribution of rewards to create a positive climate because a perception of unfairness can cause a reverse impact.


Thirdly, organizational structure, including regulations, standards and organization of work, is also another component of organizational climate, which has an impact on organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. It is not only important for the patients but also for the physical conditions of employees. In order to create a positive organizational climate, decision makers can transform the current mechanistic structure of the public hospitals into more of an organic structure, which includes flexibility and decentralization.


Lastly, organic structures can also contribute to openness to innovation and reduce the resistance to change. Considering that organic structures are sensitive to the external environment, they are always open to change and encourage employees to be creative and innovative. So then, organizational climate can be perceived more positively and organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance will be affected positively.

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